21 Feb 2020

Beyond Prisons: Epistemic Violence feat. Michelle Jones

Artist, activist, and historian Michelle Jones joins the Beyond Prison podcast to discuss re-entry and her scholarship at New York University.

20 Feb 2020

Dissenter Weekly: Chelsea Manning Urges Judge To Free Her (Again)—Plus, What To Expect At Upcoming Assange Hearing

On this edition of the “Dissenter Weekly,” we depart from our normal routine and focus solely on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s upcoming extradition hearing, as well as a recent motion to free United States Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, which was filed by her legal team. As United States Army whistleblower

19 Feb 2020

Hardships Chelsea Manning Has Endured Are Unlike Any Other Case Of Grand Jury Resistance

As United States Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning yet again affirmed she will not testify before a federal grand jury empaneled against WikiLeaks, her legal team filed a motion to force her release from jail. “Manning has now been incarcerated for eleven of the maximum eighteen months. There is no reason

17 Feb 2020

NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner Asks Trump To Commute Her Prison Sentence

NSA whistleblower Reality Winner submitted a petition for a commutation of her prison sentence. “The continued imprisonment of Reality Leigh Winner serves no social or preventative purpose,” the petition declares. “Her continued incarceration is costly, unnecessary to protect the public, burdensome to her health and well-being, and not commensurate with the severity of her offense.”

14 Feb 2020

Dissenter Weekly: Alleged ‘Vault 7’ Materials Leaker On Trial, Interior Department Whistleblower Reinstated

On this edition of the “Dissenter Weekly,” host and Shadowproof editor Kevin Gosztola highlights the trial against alleged CIA leaker Joshua Schulte, who the government claims provided “Vault 7” materials to WikiLeaks.

13 Feb 2020

The Culinary Workers Union, Medicare For All, and the Latest Cynical Attack On Bernie Sanders

The Culinary Workers Union spread a flyer on 2020 presidential candidates that said Bernie Sanders would “require Medicare For All.”

13 Feb 2020

Even Brief Exposure To Solitary Confinement May Increase Risk Of Death After Prison

Even a few days in solitary confinement may increase a person’s risk of death after they are released from prison, new research suggests.

12 Feb 2020

All 50 States Report Prison Understaffing

Every state in the United States of America has reported prison staffing shortages since 2017, according to research by Shadowproof.

11 Feb 2020

Decriminalizing Sex Work Is Popular Among Democrats And Independents

New polling from Data For Progress shows a majority of American voters—especially Democrats and Independents—support decriminalizing sex work.

10 Feb 2020

Documents: Inside The US Army’s Massive $2 Million Propaganda Campaign For ‘Independence Day’ Sequel

In 2016, the United States Army developed a months-long, multi-platform promotional campaign for the ‘Independence Day’ sequel.