31 Jan 2017

Iowa Department Of Education Faces Complaint Over Seclusion Rooms For Special Needs Students

In December 2016, Iowa attorney Mary Richard filed a complaint with the state’s Department of Education opposing the use of seclusion units in schools. The units are located within special education classrooms and used to hold children with autism and other disorders in “time-out.” The seclusion units are generally built of plywood, measuring six by six

31 Jan 2017

FBI Rule Book Reveals Loopholes For Infiltrating Groups Protesting Pipelines

The FBI rule book reveals the gray areas, which informants and undercover agents may use when infiltrating religious and political organizations.

30 Jan 2017

Safe Zones? Trump Executive Orders; US Special Forces Raid in Yemen.

President Donald Trump’s new executive orders result in protests and questions about safe zones. A SEAL Team 6 raid in Yemen leaves many civilians dead and a crashed MV-22 Osprey. And more in our global war news roundup…   SOCOM Yemen: SEAL Team 6 Raid on AQAP Headquarters in Central

30 Jan 2017

Creators Of ‘Paul Ryan: The Magazine’ Discuss Their Satirical Project

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is both a media darling, who positions himself as a leader that can temper President Donald Trump’s extremism, and an embodiment of much of Ayn Rand’s most destructive ideology, who is eager to carry out the agenda of the Koch Brothers. He is

29 Jan 2017

Iraqi Green Card Holder Afraid Trump’s Muslim Ban Will Force Him To Return To Iraq

Not long into his campaign, President Donald Trump stood before a roaring crowd and called for a “complete and total shutdown” of all Muslims entering the United States. At the time, multiple polls showed a disturbing trend—that a substantive number of Americans supported a moratorium on Muslim immigration. Late January

29 Jan 2017

One Week Of Resistance Against President Trump: Interview With Sarah Jaffe

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola are joined by Sarah Jaffe, a journalist, Nation Institute fellow, and author of “Necessary Trouble: Americans In Revolt.” Jaffe talks with us about the first week of resistance against President Donald Trump. We discuss everything from the millions, who came out for the Women’s

28 Jan 2017

Iranian Refugee: Trump’s Muslim Ban Stranded My Uncle, Green Card Holder, In Iran

Sahar is an Iranian refugee and citizen of the United States. Her family immigrated from Iran in 1998 when she was 10 years-old. Her uncle and his wife joined them three years ago, and they have lived together in the U.S. ever since. But now, President Donald Trump’s executive order

27 Jan 2017

Trump’s Muslim Ban: Executive Order Is Grotesque Product Of Fear And Prejudice

President Donald Trump signed an executive order that effectively lays a strong foundation for instituting a ban against Muslims, as he pledged to do during his presidential campaign. The executive order asserts hundreds of foreign-born individuals were convicted or implicated in “terrorist-related crimes” since the September 11 attacks, which is

27 Jan 2017

American Muslims Stop More Terror Attacks Than The NSA

Trump’s “extreme vetting” order will be seen by American Muslims as discriminatory and may undermine a major counterterror asset: Muslims themselves.

27 Jan 2017

Report: Suppression Of Palestine Advocacy Intensified Starkly In 2016

Palestine Legal recorded an increase in false accusations of anti-Semitism and terrorism in 2016 “based solely on speech critical of Israeli policies.”