Shadowproof is proud to be home to the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast and the Beyond Prisons Podcast.

Unauthorized Disclosure: Journalists Rania Khalek & Kevin Gosztola question social and political norms that too often go unchallenged and cover subjects that rarely receive complete attention in the U.S. media.

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Beyond Prisons: Brian Sonenstein and Kim Wilson engage in deep conversation with directly impacted people, activists, scholars, artists, and others on the subjects of policing, incarceration, and the prison abolition and transformative justice movements.

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Latest Shadowproof Podcast Episodes

13 Aug 2018

Unauthorized Disclosure—Episode 26: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Assassination Attempt Against Maduro

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola discuss the latest bloodshed caused by Israeli military forces and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition backed by the United States, which continues to wage war on Yemen. They wonder if there’s some kind of competition. The episode highlights the assassination attempt against Venezuela President Nicolas

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07 Aug 2018

Beyond Prisons — Episode 27: Sean Damon

Sean Damon of the Amistad Law Project, a public interest law center focused on the human rights of incarcerated people, joins Episode 27 of Beyond Prisons.

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05 Aug 2018

Interview With Max Blumenthal On Violent Undemocratic Uprising In Nicaragua

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola welcome journalist Max Blumenthal, the editor of the Grayzone Project and co-host of the podcast, “Moderate Rebels” to “Unauthorized Disclosure.” Blumenthal recently returned from a reporting trip in Nicaragua. Nicaragua has experienced violence over the past months, as opponents of President Daniel Ortega and

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20 Jul 2018

Beyond Prisons — Episode 26: John Gillespie Jr. (aka swim.)

Poet, musician, and PhD student John Gillespie Jr. (aka swim.) joins Beyond Prisons to discuss his art and scholarship around suicide in the Black community.

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20 Jul 2018

Interview With Aaron Maté: The Collective Freakout Over Trump-Putin Summit In Helsinki

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola are joined by Aaron Maté to counter the media frenzy around President Donald Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Aaron Maté is a producer for The Real News and a contributor to The Nation. During the show, Maté describes what from

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24 Jun 2018

Interview With Matthew Hoh: Trump And Military Industrial-Complex

Matthew Hoh, a former Marine and diplomat from the State Department, who resigned in protest in 2009 over the Afghanistan War, joins the “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast this week. Some of his insightful commentary can be found at During the interview, Hoh talks about how the United States government is

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