06 Jun 2018

Since 1996, US Agriculture Department Gave Over $277 Million To Fund Local Jail Construction

The United States Department of Agriculture provided over $277 million in funding for county jail construction since 1996, according to documents obtained by Shadowproof. The funding came in the form of grants and long-term low-interest loans through the Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program run by the USDA’s Rural

19 Mar 2018

Court Asked To Force DHS To Release ‘Race Paper’ On Surveillance Of Black Activists

The Department of Homeland Security has refused to release any version of a report on surveillance of Black activists that the agency called the “Race Paper.”

07 Mar 2018

Police Targeted Anti-Racists In Charlottesville Ahead of ‘Unite The Right’ Rally, Documents Show

Leading up to the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, numerous foot soldiers of the “alt-right” openly broadcast their intention to create bloodshed in the genteel southern town. A white supremacist group in California posted online videos glorifying physical assaults they had perpetrated on their ideological

19 Oct 2017

Read DEA Chief’s Critical Memo Admonishing Trump For Endorsing Police Misconduct

Former DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg resigned on October 1 but not before castigating President Donald Trump in an internal memo.

01 Sep 2017

Emails Suggest UVA Police Downplayed White Supremacist Groups During Unite The Right Rally

Read the University of Virginia’s police chief’s emails regarding the “Unite the Right” rally, obtained by Shadowproof under the Freedom of Information Act.

29 Aug 2017

CIA Must Help With FOIA Request For Records On Torturers, Appeals Court Rules

An appeals court ruled the CIA and other agencies have no right to “resist disclosure” if a requester fails to adequately describe records they request via FOIA.

24 Aug 2017

Why Does US Military Have Records On 2013 Egyptian Military Coup?

Egyptian army chief, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, led a coup against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in 2013. The Egyptian constitution was subsequently suspended. When it happened, President Barack Obama avoided the use of the word “coup” to describe what unfolded. This was to ensure U.S. military aid continued to flow

16 Aug 2017

Virginia Police Were Not Outgunned In Charlottesville, Documents Suggest

After the “Unite the Right” rally organized by white supremacists rocked Charlottesville, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe complained that the demonstrators “had better equipment” than the state’s police forces. However, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) detail sophisticated, military-grade weapons Virginia police received from the Department of Defense

13 Aug 2017

Interview With Tom Secker: Exposing Influence Of Military, Security Agencies On Hollywood

On this week’s “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast, host Kevin Gosztola interviews Tom Secker, the co-author of “National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood.” He also regularly publishes his work to SpyCulture.com. Secker obtained government records indicating the Pentagon provided “support” or influenced 814 films from 1911

19 Jan 2017

Obama’s Legacy: Refining System Of Secrecy, Cracking Down On Leaks

President Barack Obama’s administration will hand President-elect Donald Trump’s administration a system for secrecy, especially when it comes to concealing United States military and national security programs and policies, that is stronger than ever. Eight years were spent by the “most transparent administration” refining this system. It succeeded marvelously because