09 Feb 2017

Trump Still A Big Loser: 9th Circuit Asserts Authority To Review Muslim Ban, Won’t Reinstate It

The court found Americans have interest in free flow of travel, freedom from discrimination, and no proof ban is necessary to protect national security.

09 Feb 2017

Trump Executive Order Sets Agenda For Police To Further Criminalize Protesters

Executive orders signed by President Donald Trump set in motion an agenda for escalating the criminalization of citizens, who engage in protest.

08 Feb 2017

GOP Falsifies Government Scientist’s Claims To Renew Witch Hunt Against Climate Research

Led by Rep. Lamar Smith, the GOP falsely claims to have uncovered a whistleblower, who can prove the government fabricated and politicized climate science.

08 Feb 2017

2017 Has Already Seen Several Prison Rebellions

The first few weeks of 2017 saw prison uprisings in Delaware, Texas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and California.

08 Feb 2017

Botched Raid Frays US-Yemen Relations As Slaughter In North Continues

Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run ground missions against alleged terrorist groups in the country.

07 Feb 2017

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Clampdown’ by The Clash

Today, several radio stations celebrated International Clash Day. KEXP Morning Show host John Richards was largely responsible for the idea of a day for the seminal punk rock band, The Clash. “The message of The Clash, so influenced by the international sounds they grew up with, is both powerful and

07 Feb 2017

Justice Department Attorney Blunders Through Appeals Court Hearing On Muslim Ban

Pressed by judges for evidence on why the Trump administration needed to reinstate a ban on immigrants and refugees, a DOJ lawyer could not come up with specifics.

06 Feb 2017

David Frum Is Definitely Not The Right Person To Give Advice On ‘Effective Protest’

Former Bush speechwriter is drawn to protests against Donald Trump, but he has cartoonish ideas for what citizens should do to resist Trump.

06 Feb 2017

Kiev Violates Minsk Agreement Causing Fighting To Resume In Ukraine

Without U.S. and E.U. support, Kiev is going to have a difficult time maintaining an offensive.

05 Feb 2017

Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Test Of What System Will Normalize: Interview With Jamil Dakwar

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola are joined by Jamil Dakwar, the director of the ACLU’s Human Rights Program. Dakwar addresses how the Muslim ban signed by President Donald Trump has been applied. He highlights the issues involved in arguing the executive order is discriminatory and unconstitutional. He also outlines