04 Aug 2015

New Film Documents U.S. Role In 1965 Indonesian Genocide (VIDEO)

From “The Look of Silence: Will New Film Force U.S. to Acknowledge Role in 1965 Indonesian Genocide?” on Democracy Now! October 1 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the 1965 genocide in Indonesia that left over one million people dead. Human rights groups are circulating petitions calling for the

03 Aug 2015

Federal Judge Strikes Down Idaho ‘Ag-Gag Law,’ Defends Undercover Investigations Of Food Industry

An Idaho law enacted to permit the state to jail anyone, who conducts undercover investigations and secretly records animal abuse, was rejected as unconstitutional by a federal judge. The decision marked the first time a federal court had struck down a state’s “ag-gag law.”

03 Aug 2015

NYPD Chief Bill Bratton: ‘Minority Report’ Is Modern Fact, Not Fiction

In Philip K. Dick’s “Minority Report,” the authoritarian system in place to predict crime and catch individuals before they commit crimes is dystopian fantasy. In the mind of New York Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton, this story is part of today’s reality, one the NYPD is fueling through experiments with predictive policing.

03 Aug 2015

Introducing The Bullpen

Named after temporary prisons setup for rebellious workers, The Bullpen will seek to reveal and explore the underlying power dynamics within the US economy and political system — the forces shaping how ‘We The People’ live our lives. This is not the place for the latest campaign gossip and ephemera, but do not be surprised to see some familiar names featured in the quest to illuminate the dark connections between moneyed interests and those with more formal powers.

03 Aug 2015

Can Websites Track You Using Your Phone’s Battery Life?

W3C’s specification explicitly frees sites from needing to ask user permission to discover they remaining battery life, arguing that “the information disclosed has minimal impact on privacy or fingerprinting, and therefore is exposed without permission grants”. But in a new paper from four French and Belgian security researchers, that assertion is questioned.

03 Aug 2015

Do The Math: Global War On Terror Has Killed 4 Million Muslims Or More

A study released earlier this year revealed the shocking death toll of the United States’s “War on Terror” since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but the true body count could be even higher. Published in March by Physicians for Social Responsibility, the study, conducted by a team that included some Nobel Prize winners, determined that at least 1.3 million people have died as a result of war since Sept.11, 2001, but the real figure might be as high as two million.

03 Aug 2015

Fetal Tissue From Planned Parenthood Could Save Lives

“I can’t help but remember that fact when I watch the videos, taken by undercover anti-abortion activists, of Planned Parenthood technicians discussing how to preserve fetal tissue to be donated for research. The graphic images of aborted fetuses are meant to disgust me, to convince me that abortion is abarbaric act of killing. But I don’t see death in these videos. I see hope.”

03 Aug 2015

Advanced Correctional Healthcare’s Brutal Brand Of Jailhouse Medicine

Timothy Strayer was approaching 70 years of age and suffering from multiple chronic illnesses in the summer of 2011 when he was arrested for marijuana possession with the intent to sell. One year later, his family launched a federal civil rights lawsuit that is still in progress to this day. This is the result of Shadowproof’s three month investigation of Advanced Correctional Healthcare and the Strayer family’s story.

02 Aug 2015

Welcome To Shadowproof’s Community

We hope Shadowproof will be both a website and a community, where members feel empowered to engage in passionate but respectful debate with journalists, editors and staff on every article. We want every reader to have a stake in our website. Here’s how we’re building that community.

02 Aug 2015

Juice Rap News On “Immigrants,” ft. Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Juice Rap News’ latest update look sat the controversial subject of immigration. Mass exoduses of people – refugees, asylum seekers, and migrant workers – are taking place all over the planet, causing tensions and tempers to rise. But are these really the kinds of immigrants we should be worrying about?