05 Aug 2015

Special Investigator’s Report Details US Corruption In Afghanistan

Late last month, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) issued a blistering report detailing millions of dollars of waste, fraud, and abuse in the US and coalition reconstruction effort in Afghanistan. The report, issued to Congress on July 30th, presents the results of a series of investigations conducted by SIGAR that revealed $37.4 million in “questionable costs” in the last quarter of the year — those costs lead to a total of $279.5 million in questionable costs identified by SIGAR to date.

05 Aug 2015

Seattle Activists Stop Traffic Over Trans Immigrants In Detention (VIDEO)

Northwest Detention Center Resistance blocked Seattle streets earlier this week to highlight the plight of undocumented transgender immigrants in detention. Click through for video and more information about this direct action.

05 Aug 2015

Corizon Health Services Makes Bad Prison Healthcare Even Worse For Florida Inmate

Prison mistreatment may have given Oberist Saunders a staph infection after surgery, but under the privatized healthcare of Corizon Health Services, things got even worse, according to a lawsuit. Florida prisons have been home to some of the most horrific stories of inmate abuse and medical neglect and this lawsuit shows the harm caused by putting profit over patient health.

05 Aug 2015

DOJ, DHS Pilot Program Encourages Boston Muslims To Spy On Each Other

Boston is also one of three cities, selected in February, for the launch of a pilot program with the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the National Counterterrorism Center to “counter violent extremism.” But local advocates for civil rights worry the program is really infringing on Muslims’ rights.

04 Aug 2015

What’s In A Comment? & Other Feedback On Shadowproof’s Launch

To launch Shadowproof but retain Firedoglake’s history, our tech team had to transfer approximately 4 million comments — ten years worth of conversations. The first Shadowproof Mailbag. Is your letter inside?

04 Aug 2015

Survivor Of 3 Freedom Flotillas On Israel’s War Crimes Against Gaza (VIDEO)

Human rights activist and survivor of three Gaza aid Freedom Flotilla’s that were brutally attacked by Israel, Kevin Neish, shares his footage, photos and experience. An episode of “Behind the Headline” from MintPress News.

04 Aug 2015

How Should Teachers Handle Violent Students? (Reader Response)

“Forgetting about the thug sheriff for a moment — there is a real issue here when children with disabilities in school become violent. My little cousin was victimized constantly by a little girl with disabilities who spat at her and punched her in the face in public …”

04 Aug 2015

JPMorgan And Citigroup Pay Over $800 Million For Credit Card Crimes

Fraudulent paperwork, cheated counterparties, robosigning — no it’s not the housing crisis again. This time the crimes are related to the Too Big To Fail/Jail banks’ conduct with credit cards. Both JPMorgan and Citigroup have now reached settlements with the government related to their criminal credit card practices.

04 Aug 2015

Robert Glasper: Why Music Matters to #BlackLivesMatter (VIDEO)

From “Music’s Role in the Movement for Black Lives: An Interview With Robert Glasper” on Truthout: If you say to my 6-year-old son, “What do we want?” he’ll tell you, “Justice.” If you ask him, “When do we want it?” he’ll tell you. “Now.” He has marched and chanted, and

04 Aug 2015

Kentucky Deputy Sheriff Sued For Handcuffing Disabled Children, Abusing Girl With ‘Pain Compliance’

A lawsuit filed yesterday in Kentucky challenges the handcuffing of schoolchildren, especially those with disabilities, as a way of dealing with behavioral problems. According to the ACLU suit, two children with Attention Deficit Disorder and other disabilities, were “unlawfully restrained and handcuffed at school with excessive force and without necessity.”