17 Feb 2017

President Donald Trump’s Vengeful Pledge To Pursue ‘Low-Life Leakers’

President Trump ordered the Justice Department to look into “criminal leaks,” suggesting there would be penalties for unauthorized disclosure of classified information.

01 Feb 2017

House Hearing On Whistleblower Protection Highlights Trump’s Illegal Gag Orders

Members of Congress called attention to Trump administration directives that create chilling effect against whistleblowers.

06 Jun 2016

FBI Whistleblowers Have No Legal Protection For Making Reports Of Wrongdoing

A Senate report concludes FBI employees, including those in the intelligence community, “enjoy no legal protection for making reports of wrongdoing”

31 May 2016

Chelsea Manning Received Same Sentence As Soldier Who Tried To Sell Information

Manning is challenging the Army for sentencing her to serve around the same time as a soldier who believed he was selling classified information to a spy.

30 Mar 2016

Appeals Court: FBI Whistleblower Wrongfully Terminated for Revealing Sex Trips By Agents

A federal appeals court ruled that an FBI whistleblower, who reported fraud and sexual misconduct involving prostitutes, was wrongfully terminated in 2010.