29 Aug 2017

It’s Not Mass Incarceration, But Slavery: Speech By Max Parthas At The Millions For Prisoners March

Max Parthas of New Abolitionists Radio urges Americans to call slavery what it is at the Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March in Washington, D.C.

10 Apr 2017

Lawsuit May Serve As Template For Challenging Forced Immigrant Labor In Private Prisons

Class action lawsuit by pretrial immigrant detainees may force GEO Group and other private prison companies to move away from slave labor.

04 Oct 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘War’ By Nas Featuring Raye

An album of songs inspired by the film, “The Birth Of A Nation,” which opens on October 7, contains multiple protest songs celebrating Nat Turner as a black revolutionary. As the film’s website describes, the film directed by Nate Parker is set against the antebellum South. Samuel Turner, who owns

27 Sep 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Abolish Legal Slavery’ By Moe Shinola

Guitarist and singer-songwriter Moe Shinola of Kansas City, Missouri, produced a protest song to coincide with the launch of the national prison labor strike on September 9. Called “Abolish Legal Slavery,” it specifically highlights what Shinola described as the “corporate exploitation of prison labor” and the “prisoner exception to the

31 Oct 2015

Is Your Halloween Candy Made With Child Slave Labor? (VIDEO)

The real toxic ingredient in Halloween candy isn’t secret poison, razor blades or illicit drugs, but child slave labor.

21 Oct 2015

Bryan Stevenson: Ending Mass Incarceration By 2024

In a new episode of The Laura Flanders Show, Bryan Stevenson discusses the Equal Justice Initiative and their plans to end mass incarceration in the next 6-8 years. There’s also a great short film on the history of slavery and the prison system by Molly Crabapple. Here’s Laura’s description of the

14 Sep 2015

Modern Debtors Prison: Alabama Jailing Residents Over Tickets

According to a federal class action lawsuit filed in Alabama this month, the city of Alexander is incarcerating people who are unable to pay court fees and fines in a modern-day debtors prison. The suit argues the practice not only constitutes false imprisonment, but also violates inmates’ Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights under the Constitution.

20 Aug 2015

Lawsuit Filed After Walmart & Costco Sold Slave Labor Seafood

On August 19, Monica Sud, a woman from California, filed a class action lawsuit against Costco Wholesale Corporation claiming that the retailer knowingly sold prawns produced by slave labor and never disclosed these practices to customers like herself who bought the products without knowing they were produced by illegal labor.

06 Aug 2015

TPP: White House Responds To Malaysia’s Slavery Problem By Lowering Standards

The scramble to secure a controversial trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is leading to some serious ethical conflicts for the Obama Administration. While many initial objections to TPP were due to concerns about a lack of transparency from the White House as to the contents of the agreement and how it was negotiated, a recent decision by the State Department to change a country’s ranking in a human trafficking report has human rights groups crying foul and citing TPP as the real reason for the change.