12 Aug 2021

Abolishing Police Surveillance In NYC: Will Transparency Help Or Make It Harder?

New York City implemented a police surveillance transparency law, but activists are divided on if it helps or hurts their cause.

05 Apr 2018

Muslim-Owned Businesses And Mosques Awarded Damages For NYPD Surveillance

The NYPD reached a settlement with Muslim-owned businesses, mosques, student groups, and others it subjected to discriminatory and suspicionless surveillance.

23 May 2017

NYPD Sued For Refusing To Confirm Or Deny Existence Of Counterintelligence Activities Against Activists

The NYCLU and Millions March NYC sued the NYPD after the department refused to confirm or deny the existence of records on Black Lives Matter activists.

05 May 2016

Lawyer For Algerian American Entrapped By Law Enforcement Describes Injustice

Entrapment has often been used as a weapon against Muslims in order to bolster the government’s claim that there is a widespread “threat” of terrorism.

08 Nov 2015

Podcast: NYPD Infiltration of Brooklyn College Suggests Surveillance of Muslims Continues

The New York Police Department deployed an undercover officer named “Mel,” who “converted” to Islam and infiltrated Brooklyn College, according to a report published in the Gothamist. As reported, three Brooklyn College graduates shared how “Mel” had developed relationships with them. She was present “during some of the most private

14 Oct 2015

Appeals Court Opposes Religious Profiling, Reinstates Lawsuit Against NYPD Spying

A federal court reinstated a lawsuit brought by American Muslims claiming the NYPD violated their constitutional rights by profiling and spying on them.

05 Sep 2015

Lawsuit: NYPD Retaliated Against Whistleblower Cop For Exposing Illegal Quotas

Adhyl Polanco, an NYPD officer who spoke out publicly against the department’s use of illegal quotas for summonses and arrests, filed a lawsuit in federal court this week alleging his superiors discriminated and retaliated against him based on his race and speech. According to Polanco’s lawsuit, the NYPD was threatening officers with “termination and negative employment actions, such as low performance evaluations and punitive postings,” to force them to meet Stop & Frisk and arrest quotas.

03 Aug 2015

NYPD Chief Bill Bratton: ‘Minority Report’ Is Modern Fact, Not Fiction

In Philip K. Dick’s “Minority Report,” the authoritarian system in place to predict crime and catch individuals before they commit crimes is dystopian fantasy. In the mind of New York Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton, this story is part of today’s reality, one the NYPD is fueling through experiments with predictive policing.