Shadowproof is proud to be home to the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast and the Beyond Prisons Podcast.

Unauthorized Disclosure: Journalists Rania Khalek & Kevin Gosztola question social and political norms that too often go unchallenged and cover subjects that rarely receive complete attention in the U.S. media.

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Beyond Prisons: Brian Sonenstein and Kim Wilson engage in deep conversation with directly impacted people, activists, scholars, artists, and others on the subjects of policing, incarceration, and the prison abolition and transformative justice movements.

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Latest Shadowproof Podcast Episodes

30 Jun 2016

‘Spooked’ Author Discusses Chronicle Of CIA Influence On Press And Hollywood

In a videotaped interview, Kevin Gosztola and author Nichola Schou discuss the CIA’s long history of “spooking the news.”

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28 Jun 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 5: Dying For Education

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars talk to Andalusia Knoll, a freelance multimedia journalist based in Mexico City.

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23 Jun 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 4: Identity Is Complicated

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars interview Lara Kiswani, a community organizer and Executive Director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center.

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15 Jun 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 3: All Hands On Deck

On this episode of Delete Your Account, Roqayah and Kumars have on Doug and Patrick—radical labor organizers who run a blog called The South Lawn.

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13 Jun 2016

The Week The Media Crowned Hillary Clinton The Democratic Nominee

Katie Halper joins the “Unauthorized Disclosure” weekly podcast to talk about the absurd identity politics surrounding media’s crowning of Hillary Clinton.

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08 Jun 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 2: Learning To Fight

To teach us how to fight, we invite on our first guest ever, Mariame Kaba, though most of you know her as @prisonculture on Twitter.

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