Featured Reporting

The Dissenter

08 Oct 2016

WikiLeaks Release Of Clinton Campaign Emails Smeared As Russian Masterminded Plot (Again)

With no specific evidence, President Barack Obama’s administration explicitly claimed the Russian government was responsible for stealing emails from the Democratic National Committee and other individuals and organizations closely linked to the Democratic Party. The accusation came just as WikiLeaks published emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. The

06 Oct 2016

Rahm Emanuel Resists Citizen Oversight Of Chicago Police

By not establishing a civilian oversight mechanism as part of this push for police reform, Rahm Emanuel showed he does not trust Chicagoans.

04 Oct 2016

The Problem With Progressives Defending What Clinton Said In Hacked Audio

While speaking to donors at a private fundraiser in February, Clinton derided the “false promise” of the Sanders campaign. Why defend that?

04 Oct 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘War’ By Nas Featuring Raye

An album of songs inspired by the film, “The Birth Of A Nation,” which opens on October 7, contains multiple protest songs celebrating Nat Turner as a black revolutionary. As the film’s website describes, the film directed by Nate Parker is set against the antebellum South. Samuel Turner, who owns

29 Sep 2016

Interview: John Kiriakou On Supporting Jeffrey Sterling So He Doesn’t Die In Prison

Former CIA officer John Kiriakou talks about how the Bureau of Prisons is slowly killing former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling by denying him treatment.

29 Sep 2016

Obama Scapegoats Third Party Voters To Distract From Clinton’s Enthusiasm Problem

Obama and Democrats respond to Clinton campaign’s enthusiasm woes by attacking supporters of third-party candidates.

28 Sep 2016

Bureau Of Prisons Contends CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Is Lying About Heart Problems

Federal officials accused imprisoned CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling of lying about his medical condition, even as he endures pain and suffering.

28 Sep 2016

Letter From CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Details Federal Prison’s Scandalous Treatment

Shadowproof exchanged letters with CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling to bring more attention to his mistreatment in federal prison.

27 Sep 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Abolish Legal Slavery’ By Moe Shinola

Guitarist and singer-songwriter Moe Shinola of Kansas City, Missouri, produced a protest song to coincide with the launch of the national prison labor strike on September 9. Called “Abolish Legal Slavery,” it specifically highlights what Shinola described as the “corporate exploitation of prison labor” and the “prisoner exception to the


Prison Protest



Shadowproof has ceased publication as of December 14, 2023. Thank you to everyone who read and supported our work over the past 8 years.
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