17 Aug 2017

Here Is The NDA That George Soros Forced Professional Anarchist To Sign

It was nearly six months ago that I came forward and revealed my role as a professional anarchist paid to protest President Donald Trump by George Soros. Upon revealing the truth, I immediately had to go into hiding and I sought out privacy tools that weren’t infiltrated by Soros and

16 Aug 2017

Virginia Police Were Not Outgunned In Charlottesville, Documents Suggest

After the “Unite the Right” rally organized by white supremacists rocked Charlottesville, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe complained that the demonstrators “had better equipment” than the state’s police forces. However, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) detail sophisticated, military-grade weapons Virginia police received from the Department of Defense

16 Aug 2017

Before Trump, Clinton Democrats Engaged In Form Of Both Side-ism And Invoked ‘Alt-Left’ To Demonize Critics

Liberal and centrist Democrats did not necessarily coin the label “alt-left,” however, in recent months, the term was popularized by them. It was deployed against anyone on the left who challenged their politics, especially those perceived as supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders or members of the Democratic Socialists of America.

15 Aug 2017

The Neoliberal Record Of Kamala Harris: Reckon With It Instead Of Attacking Critics

Senator Kamala Harris is seen as the Democrats’ “rising star,” a certain candidate for 2020 presidential run. But that doesn’t excuse her neoliberal record.

15 Aug 2017

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Nazi Scum’ by Oi Polloi

What unfolded in Charlottesville makes a whole history of anti-fascist punk music as relevant as ever. Oi Polloi is an anarcho-punk band from Edinburgh, Scotland, which formed in 1981. Their album, “In Defense Of Our Earth” (1990) featured “Nazi Scum,” which urged resistance against Nazis, especially those who come to

14 Aug 2017

Civil Immunity Bills From Republicans Encourage Violence Against Anti-Racist Protesters

A number of state legislatures have considered bills that shield drivers from liability if they run over protesters, who are “obstructing” traffic. These anti-protest bills from Republican lawmakers reflect a political climate in which far-right activists increasingly find it permissible to mow down Black Lives Matter protesters and other anti-racist

13 Aug 2017

Interview With Tom Secker: Exposing Influence Of Military, Security Agencies On Hollywood

On this week’s “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast, host Kevin Gosztola interviews Tom Secker, the co-author of “National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood.” He also regularly publishes his work to SpyCulture.com. Secker obtained government records indicating the Pentagon provided “support” or influenced 814 films from 1911

10 Aug 2017

Interview With Ken Klippenstein On His FOIA Plans For Shadowproof

Shadowproof’s newest staff member, journalist Ken Klippenstein, discusses his new column and the document reading room he plans to curate on our site.

10 Aug 2017

Beyond Prisons — Episode 11: Jailhouse Lawyers Speak

We’re joined by Jailhouse Lawyers Speak: a national collective of incarcerated people who provide legal assistance behind bars.

09 Aug 2017

In Desperate Bid For Relevancy, Another Group Of Third Way Democrats Launch Organization

From the ideological middle, which lauds pragmatism and pro-business politics but is unable to win elections, comes a newly re-branded venture: New Democracy.