06 Sep 2017

No End In Sight For Big Agriculture’s Push To Criminalize Activists And Whistleblowers

Agribusiness and their lobbyists continue to convince legislatures to pass bills criminalizing whistleblowers, who expose animal cruelty or malfeasance.

06 Sep 2017

Where Was President Obama’s ‘Decency’ When He Was Deporting DREAMers?

After an official announcement from President Donald Trump’s administration regarding plans to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, in place since 2012, former President Barack Obama released a statement that stands firmly in the middle, an art the Democratic Party has mastered. It had the same

05 Sep 2017

Former Clinton Aide Disingenuously Presents Herself As Bold ‘Fight For $15’ Advocate

Clinton Democrats like Neera Tanden may want to lead the call for $15 minimum wage, but if they can’t reckon with their past opposition, they’re flawed messengers.

05 Sep 2017

America Is Still A Slave Nation: Massive Abolitionist Gathering Held In Washington, D.C.

As white nationalists in Charlottesville and Boston provoked large, and at times, violent demonstrations, what may have been the largest gathering of abolitionists in the nation’s history took place in Washington, D.C. The Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March was the first march on Washington in opposition to prison slavery

04 Sep 2017

UVA Professor Warned Charlottesville Police Of Impending Violence On Night Before Heather Heyer’s Death

After witnessing a “no police intervention” the night before Heath Heyer’s death, a professor warned police “the White supremacists will be violent tomorrow.”

01 Sep 2017

Emails Suggest UVA Police Downplayed White Supremacist Groups During Unite The Right Rally

Read the University of Virginia’s police chief’s emails regarding the “Unite the Right” rally, obtained by Shadowproof under the Freedom of Information Act.

30 Aug 2017

Read The FBI File For Renowned Black Musician And Poet Gil Scott-Heron

Shadowproof obtained 28 pages of FBI records regarding Black musician and poet Gil Scott-Heron under the Freedom of Information Act.

29 Aug 2017

Why Did The New York Times Give A Right Wing Parasite A Platform To Slander Chelsea Manning?

The New York Times provided a platform to a neoconservative writer, who was disappointed the military did not sentence Chelsea Manning to the electric chair.

29 Aug 2017

CIA Must Help With FOIA Request For Records On Torturers, Appeals Court Rules

An appeals court ruled the CIA and other agencies have no right to “resist disclosure” if a requester fails to adequately describe records they request via FOIA.

29 Aug 2017

It’s Not Mass Incarceration, But Slavery: Speech By Max Parthas At The Millions For Prisoners March

Max Parthas of New Abolitionists Radio urges Americans to call slavery what it is at the Millions For Prisoners Human Rights March in Washington, D.C.