FBI Whistleblowers Have No Legal Protection For Making Reports Of Wrongdoing
A Senate report concludes FBI employees, including those in the intelligence community, “enjoy no legal protection for making reports of wrongdoing”
Class Politics, Not White Male Angst, Inspires Wide Support For Sanders
Throughout the Democratic presidential primary, journalists and commentators have relied upon their interactions with Bernie Sanders supporters on social media to promote the myth that what drives white men to support the democratic socialist is angst or some form of racial resentment. But there simply is no basis in fact
Hillary Clinton’s Speech Against Trump Hypocritically Touts Her Foreign Policy Strength
Hillary Clinton has done many of the very things she attacked Trump for doing.
Senator Boxer Beefs With Sanders And Supporters To Avoid Reflecting On Clinton’s Corporate Politics
The Clinton campaign still sees young Sanders supporters as nothing more than dumb adolescents.
Protest Song Of The Week: ‘If You Want To Be President’ by The Fugs
The Fugs are one of the best protest bands in the history of music in the United States. They played at demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Songs the band recorded were intensely political and often satirical. They participated in the march on the Pentagon, where several people tried to levitate the headquarters.
Chelsea Manning Received Same Sentence As Soldier Who Tried To Sell Information
Manning is challenging the Army for sentencing her to serve around the same time as a soldier who believed he was selling classified information to a spy.
Undocumented Immigrant Rights Activist Labeled ‘Public Safety Concern’ For Protesting, Sues Government
An undocumented immigrant rights activists was labeled a “public safety concern” by the US government, and now fears she may be deported for protesting.
NATO Protester Denied Medical Care In Prison After Officer Broke His Nose
Jared Chase of the NATO 3 says prison officials refuse to treat his broken nose or give him access to his Huntington’s Disease or Hepatitis C medication.
Transgender Group ‘Perplexed’ At Why Clinton Won’t Fill Out Questionnaire
A national group for trans people in the United States is waiting for Hillary Clinton to complete a survey on where she stands on issues.
Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Odeio’ by Caetano Veloso
Following the impeachment of Brazil president Dilma Rousseff, vice president Michel Temer took power. He pledged to dissolve the Ministry of Culture and combine parts of it with the Ministry of Education. Although Temer eventually backtracked, the initial call drew the ire of artists. AFP reported filmmakers, musicians, and individuals