13 Jan 2017

Justice Department Report Shows Chicago Police Routinely Use Violence And Lie About It

The Justice Department released the results of an investigation into the Chicago Police Department’s record of unlawful policing, including the routine use of brutality or deadly force against residents. The city of Chicago, police, and leadership within the CPD and its police officer union “acknowledge that a code of silence

13 Jan 2017

Federal Lawsuit Alleges Chicago Police Illegally Spied On Activists, Residents With Stingray Surveillance

A federal lawsuit against Chicago police alleges officers employed cell site simulators or Stingray spying devices in violation of the First Amendment rights of innocent citizens during a “Reclaim Martin Luther King Jr. Day” action on January 15, 2015. Chicago-based organizations, activists, and residents came together for a protest and

12 Jan 2017

Rex Tillerson Clashes With Neocons At Confirmation Hearing

Though former Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson faced some sharp questions on climate change, the real clashes during his confirmation hearing for secretary of state came from neoconservative senators-principally Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ). Both demanded Tillerson accept their line on a number of issues. Due

11 Jan 2017

CIA Whistleblower: Obama Must Declassify Torture Report For Future Generations

A coalition, including CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou, demanded President Barack Obama declassify and release the full report on CIA torture produced by the Senate intelligence committee in 2013. In 2014, only a summary of the torture report was released. Obama remains opposed to releasing the full 6,300-page report. Kiriakou told

11 Jan 2017

Delete Your Account — Episode 32: Jailed For Journalism

Kumars and Roqayah speak with Barrett Brown, a journalist and founder of Project PM, a crowd-sourced investigation into the cyber-military-industrial complex.

11 Jan 2017

Day After Obama’s Farewell Speech, Trump Gives A Press Conference

President Barack Obama gave his farewell speech and lamented inequality, saying, “For all the real progress we’ve made, we know it’s not enough. Our economy doesn’t work as well or grow as fast when a few prosper at the expense of a growing middle class.” Obama continued, “But stark inequality

11 Jan 2017

Oil Baron Rex Tillerson Refuses To Answer Questions About Exxon Mobil’s Climate Change Denial

During his confirmation hearing, former Exxon Mobil CEO and nominee for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, refused to answer questions about what the fossil fuel corporation knew about climate change. He also refused to talk about Exxon Mobil’s funding of outside organizations in order to create doubt about climate science.

10 Jan 2017

Sessions At Confirmation Hearing: David Horowitz Is A ‘Most Brilliant Individual’

Far-right activist David Horowitz said of Senator Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing for Attorney General, “You will see a witch-hunt worse than anything McCarthy did directed by Democrats against Jeff Sessions.” Hardly, but the first day of the hearing featured effusive praise for Horowitz himself. Horowitz is a quite repugnant individual.

10 Jan 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 4: The Destruction Of Yemen Feat. Ben Norton

On this episode of Around The Empire, Dan and Joanne interview journalist Benjamin Norton on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Ben has been closely monitoring the situation in Yemen for years writing previously in Salon and now for Alternet’s Grayzone Project. The discussion focuses on the overall dynamics of

10 Jan 2017

At Confirmation Hearing, Sessions Opposes Protections For Reporters Who Publish Leaks

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions opposed protections for reporters, who have viewpoints and publish contents from national security leaks, during his confirmation hearing for the position of Attorney General. Asked by Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar about upholding rules adopted by the Justice Department and avoiding the jailing of journalists who do