23 Jan 2017

Emboldened By Countersubversive President, Network Of Sites Demonize Women’s March Organizer

A network of conservative websites has spread malicious attacks intended to demonize one of the co-chairs of the Women’s March, which mobilized millions of Americans to resist President Donald Trump’s administration. Linda Sarsour is a Palestinian-American Muslim racial justice and civil rights activist. She is a mother of three children

23 Jan 2017

Setback For Neoliberalism: Trump Dumps TPP, Will Renegotiate NAFTA

President Donald Trump reportedly signed executive orders that will remove the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and start a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It increases the possibility that the Trump administration will deliver a fatal blow to neoliberal globalization. That such actions came

22 Jan 2017

Women’s March Transcends Elite Feminism To Make Resounding Statement

The Women’s March on Washington—and the nearly 700 sister marches across the country born in solidarity—took place on January 21, the day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. In eight of the largest cities in the United States, at least 2.6 million people marched and rallied. There were countless

20 Jan 2017

Donald Trump Takes Over The American Empire: Interview With Abby Martin

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola kick off a new season of the “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast with guest Abby Martin, host of “The Empire Files.” She joins the show for the entire episode. Martin discusses how a show she anchored for RT America was mentioned in the recent intelligence report

20 Jan 2017

Trump’s Inaugural Address: A Call For Holy War

President Donald Trump used his inaugural address to call for the “civilized world” to unite “against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.” It received one of the most enthusiastic responses from the crowd in attendance at the National Mall. The words evoked

19 Jan 2017

Clinton Democrats In No Position To Call Themselves ‘The Resistance’

While Democrats marinated in the unverifiable news of President-elect Donald Trump’s “golden shower” dossier, Senators Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders put forward an amendment, which called for the establishment of a “deficit-neutral reserve fund” to “lower prescription drug prices for Americans by importing drugs from Canada. It was rejected, 52

19 Jan 2017

Obama’s Legacy: Refining System Of Secrecy, Cracking Down On Leaks

President Barack Obama’s administration will hand President-elect Donald Trump’s administration a system for secrecy, especially when it comes to concealing United States military and national security programs and policies, that is stronger than ever. Eight years were spent by the “most transparent administration” refining this system. It succeeded marvelously because

19 Jan 2017

How Much Of A War Will Deep State Wage Against Trump?

The Washington Post reported incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn was in contact with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. It was a clear attempt to damage President-elect Donald Trump and Flynn. Neoconservative columnist David Ignatius reported, “According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador

18 Jan 2017

Enraged Political Establishment Would Have Been Okay With Chelsea Manning Dying In Prison

The political establishment in the United States is absolutely irate at President Barack Obama’s decision to commute U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning’s sentence. There are also an array of journalists and professional security or military analysts, who are incensed as well. What the emerging consensus seems to be is that

18 Jan 2017

Delete Your Account — Episode 33: Building For Socialism

Roqayah and Kumars talk to two organizers from the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, the largest socialist organization in the United States.