14 May 2017

Interview With Azadeh Shahshahani: Georgia Immigrant Detention and the U.S. Deportation Machine

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola welcome Azadeh Shahshahani, who is a legal and advocacy director for Project South. She joins the show to talk about a report she worked on called “Imprisoned Justice: Inside Two Georgia Immigrant Detention Centers.” Shahshahani addresses how asylum seekers and immigrants are denied due

11 May 2017

New York Bakery Workers Resist Management’s Collusion With DHS Immigrant Crackdown

Tom Cat Bakery workers in New York resist management’s collusion with immigration officials from the Department of Homeland Security

11 May 2017

Trump Agrees To Arm Kurds In Syria Despite Turkey’s Opposition

The United States took this long to commit to arming SDF, despite its stated objective of destroying ISIS, because of concerns from the Turkish government.

11 May 2017

Chelsea Manning Will Be Released Next Week And Finally Get A First Chance At Life

Chelsea Manning will finally get a chance to be herself without having to conform to the rigid guidelines or expectations of the United States Army.

11 May 2017

Beyond Prisons – Episode 5: Shut Down Rikers Island Feat. Akeem Browder

Brian and Kim speak with Akeem Browder, founder of the campaign to Shut Down Rikers Island and the Kalief Browder Foundation.

09 May 2017

‘Cruel And Unusual’ Director: The Story Of The ‘Angola 3’ Is Triumph Of Human Spirit

The Angola 3 spent more time in solitary confinement than any other incarcerated people in the U.S., and a documentary telling their story will soon be released.

09 May 2017

Around The Empire – Episode 19: Deep State Sells Out American Counterterrorism Interests Feat. Gareth Porter

Gareth Porter explains how the Deep State sells out the American counterterrorism interests and fuels the rise of extremist groups like al Qaeda.

09 May 2017

As Abolition Becomes More Likely, Chicago Bond Fund Sees Future Where They Aren’t Needed

Around 70 people volunteer for the Chicago Community Bond Fund, a nonprofit organization that raises money to post bond for people who can’t afford to get out of Cook County Jail while awaiting trial. The bond fund relies on volunteers and purposely avoids hiring full time staff. It was an all-volunteer organization until February,

08 May 2017

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘America Has Never Been So Great’

Singer-songwriter David Rovics has written songs and produced several albums in the past twenty years. He is an impressively prolific independent artist constantly churning out protest songs inspired by current events. On May 1, Rovics released Punk Baroque, which consists of songs from 2016. It is his first album to

07 May 2017

Interview With Max Blumenthal: The Left’s Failure To Confront Root Of Syrian Conflict

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola welcomed Max Blumenthal, journalist, senior editor of AlterNet’s Grayzone Project, and author of The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza. Blumenthal has appeared on the show before, but this time he was our guest because multiple listeners requested an episode featuring him.