06 Aug 2015

Rubio Blames The Media For Corruption In Electoral Politics

From “Rubio: It’s the media’s fault we have to take billionaire’s money” by FDL alumni Spocko: #SignsYoureRightWing No matter how powerful or rich you are, you are the real victim. — Spocko (@spockosbrain) August 4, 2015 All Things Considered did a story yesterday about a Koch event attended by GOP

06 Aug 2015

Let Us Never Ask Where the Protest Music Has Gone Ever Again

There’s a popular idea, often repeated in the media, that all the protest music is gone. Kevin Gosztola’s new Protest Music Project will highlight the best protest music of the 2010s, and provide new artists a forum to highlight their best work. Most of all, it will help end the myth that protest music died with the 1960s.

06 Aug 2015

“Kids Who Die”: A Movement Grows #Ferguson (VIDEO)

In 1938 civil rights activist and poet Langston Hughes wrote his chilling poem “Kids Who Die” which illuminates the horrors of lynchings during the Jim Crow era. Now, Hughes’ vivid poetry is being featured in a three minute video created by Frank Chi and Terrance Green. It is a startling reminder that the assault on Black lives did not end with the Jim Crow era.

06 Aug 2015

TPP: White House Responds To Malaysia’s Slavery Problem By Lowering Standards

The scramble to secure a controversial trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is leading to some serious ethical conflicts for the Obama Administration. While many initial objections to TPP were due to concerns about a lack of transparency from the White House as to the contents of the agreement and how it was negotiated, a recent decision by the State Department to change a country’s ranking in a human trafficking report has human rights groups crying foul and citing TPP as the real reason for the change.

06 Aug 2015

Journalist, Who Unmasked ECHELON, On 40 Years Exposing The Global Surveillance State

Kevin Gosztola interviews Duncan Campbell, recently published in The Intercept, about his 4 decades as a journalist dedicated to uncovering the surveillance state and the international ECHELON program. Campbell says less has changed for today’s journalists than you might think.

06 Aug 2015

Indigenous Canadians Resist Pipeline Developers And Oil Companies Since 2009

The Wet’suwet’en, a band of about 140 indigenous members, maintain the Unist’ot’en Camp, a checkpoint blocking the only bridge entering their land. It’s a direct challenge to the Canadian status quo because the Wet’suwet’en say they won’t let pipeline crews, oil company developers, or even Canadian police onto their land.

06 Aug 2015

New Report Finds Inmate Deaths on the Rise

Inmate deaths in local jails and state prisons are on the rise for the third year in a row, according to a new study by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics. The report, released on August 4, found that the number of jailhouse deaths increased between 2012 and 2013 even though jail populations declined by 4% during that time.

05 Aug 2015

ACLU Demands Mississippi Stop Invading Privacy Of Millions Of Google Users

On Monday, the ACLU asked an attorney general to “back off” and stop invading the privacy of Internet users to infringe on free speech or serve the agenda of big corporations and their lawyers. Google already sued Attorney General Jim Hood over the massive, invasive subpoena.

05 Aug 2015

Austin Police Accountability Activist Arrested On Copwatch, Again

Antonio Buehler, Austin-Texas-based police accountability activist, has been arrested for copwatching — again. Buehler was arrested Saturday while filming the police with Peaceful Streets Project, a group he founded that frequently holds “copwatch” events, and spent about 18 hours in jail.

05 Aug 2015

ZeroFOX Executives Defend Labeling Black Lives Matter Activists As Threats

Executives of the “social media risk management” firm ZeroFOX have defended an assessment the company produced for Baltimore, which labeled Black Lives Matter activists as “threat actors.” After Baltimore police killed Freddie Gray, an uprising, which included rioting, occurred. ZeroFOX offered pro bono assistance to city officials and produced a “confidential” report identifying supposed threats to the city. It recommended steps city officials could take to protect security, including keeping a close eye on protest leaders.