14 Aug 2015

Americans Delaying Vacations Due To Fear Of Falling Behind, Being Replaced

According to a recent survey by insurance company Allianz Global Assistance, most Americans have not had a vacation in over a year. At one time vacations were considered a necessary benefit of a job, but now workers will not take a paid vacation even when one is offered to them by their employers.

14 Aug 2015

Crimes Of US-Backed Dictatorship Era Still Being Prosecuted In Chile

The death of Pinochet’s former head of National Intelligence Services has ignited a fresh surge of rage and indignation, as the families of the over 3,000 disappeared still face an uphill struggle against the state and the military to uncover details regarding the murder and disappearance of their relatives.

13 Aug 2015

Connecticut Supreme Court: Death Penalty ‘Incompatible with Contemporary Standards of Decency’

The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled the death penalty was unconstitutional. It found the “death penalty system” did not abide by the “freedom from cruel and unusual punishment,” and determined any “future executions” would present a risk of wrongly executing an innocent person. The decision did not only condemn the system in

13 Aug 2015

How America Inspired The Nazis, And Other Shadowproof Reader Feedback

Welcome to the latest edition of the Shadowproof Mailbag. This installment covers the first part of this, Shadowproof’s second week. I’m taking a little day trip to New York City tomorrow and Brian will be filling in for me, so we’ll have to catch up on Friday’s feedback in the next edition. Here’s some of the best reader comments and feedback we’ve received about our recent articles.

13 Aug 2015

Black Women With Mental Illness Suffer Horrific Abuses In LA County Jails

On the heels of the Justice Department’s settlement agreement forcing Los Angeles County jails to adopt a number of reforms aimed at improving conditions for inmates, a new report by Dignity and Power Now explores the horrifying human rights abuses endured by black female inmates in the county. The report, entitled “Breaking the Silence,” features the testimonies of seven formerly incarcerated women and two former psychiatric workers from the county.

13 Aug 2015

#BlackLivesMatter Activists Target Jeb Bush Rally In Vegas (VIDEO)

On Wednesday, August 12, #BlackLivesMatter activists interrupted Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. This action comes as the movement seeks to distance itself from accusations of partisanship or financial support from the Democratic Party.

13 Aug 2015

Data Brokers Charged For Selling Payday Loan Info To Scammers

Yesterday, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged data brokers with illegally selling payday loan applicants’ financial information to a scam operation that then fraudulently took at least $7.1 million from those customers’ bank accounts.

13 Aug 2015

Nearly £12M Wasted Holding Julian Assange Without Charge In Embassy

For three years, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been forced to take refuge at Ecuador’s embassy in London, fearing arrest and eventual extradition to the United States if he ever steps outside. Four teams of eight police are maintained at all times to ensure Assange does not escape, at a shocking cost to British taxpayers.

13 Aug 2015

Petition: Keep Chelsea Manning Out Of Solitary!

Chelsea Manning is facing indefinite solitary confinement for supposed “crimes” like possessing magazines and an expired tube of toothpaste. Sign this petition to keep her from being tortured!

12 Aug 2015

US Military Threatens Chelsea Manning with Indefinite Solitary Confinement

The United States military has issued a set of “charges” or allegations against Chelsea Manning, which could potentially result in a punishment of indefinite solitary confinement at Fort Leavenworth where she is serving her sentence. According to a list the military sent to Manning, which Fight for the Future posted, the allegations include “disrespect,” “disorderly conduct,” “prohibited property,” and “medicine misuse.”