24 Aug 2015

On Muslim Genocide, Privatized Prison Healthcare & Other Shadowproof Feedback

From the Shadowproof Mailbag: Does the U.S. government call genocide, “Enhanced Population Control”? Why do prisons withhold medicine? In praise of the documentary, “Silenced.” The Department of Justice a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street.

24 Aug 2015

War Criminals Gather In London For World’s Largest Arms Fair

Thousands of activists are expected to gather at the United Kingdom’s largest international arms fair in London next month. Attended by hundreds of arms companies with exhibits representing over 1,500 arms firms, the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) Exhibition brings representatives from the world’s most oppressive regimes together in one place to sell military weapons.

24 Aug 2015

Coca-Cola To Stop Funding Fake Health Studies, No Word On Union Killings

On August 19th, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent wherein Kent admitted that Coca-Cola funded scientific studies that attempted to shift blame for the growing obesity crisis off diet and onto exercise. Kent said the scheme to fund questionable studies was meant to take attention away from the beverage company he runs but was “not working” and that this behavior by Coca-Cola “does not reflect our intent or our values.”

24 Aug 2015

Inmate Claims Epilepsy Went Untreated At Santa Rita Jail

An inmate suffered a Grand Mal seizure after deputies at the Santa Rita jail in Alameda County, California denied his repeated requests for epilepsy medication, according to a federal lawsuit [PDF] filed against the county and various sheriff’s deputies at the end of July.

24 Aug 2015

Judge Rejects Obama Administration’s ‘Fear-Mongering,’ Orders Release of Immigrants

A federal judge rejected “fear-mongering” over “illegal immigration” by President Barack Obama’s administration and ordered the government to implement changes to ensure detained mothers and children are released within the next two months.

24 Aug 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ’28 Hours’

For this week’s protest song, Alec Hall submitted a piece created as a comment on the criminalization of black bodies in the United States and how black life is often erased from American culture and society. The 11-minute string quartet composition, “28 Hours,” is the first reader-submitted protest song featured here at Shadowproof.

23 Aug 2015

Podcast: Growing Anti-Muslim Racism & Hysteria in the United States

The United States has experienced a spike in anti-Muslim racism and threatened violence against American Muslims in the past months. Much of the escalation has taken place in the aftermath of a shooting in Garland, Texas, at a Prophet Muhammad drawing contest.

22 Aug 2015

Darrien Hunt: Killed By Utah Cops For Anime Cosplay While Black

In September 2014, police in Saratoga Springs, Utah, shot Hunt several times in the back and side after a 911 caller reported a black male with a samurai sword. Hunt was dressed as an anime character and holding a toy or blunt replica sword commonly used by cosplayers, but Utah is an open carry state, so Hunt could legally carry a real sword there.

21 Aug 2015

U.S. Debates Iran Nuclear Deal While Supporting Israel’s Nuclear Weapons

While the Iran deal is often touted as the only possible solution to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, both U.S. and Israeli intelligence reports suggest that country never intended to build a nuclear weapon. Meanwhile, Israel, one of its regional neighbors, possesses not only 80 functioning nuclear warheads but also the capability to use them.

21 Aug 2015

How One Film Gave Voice to Three Whistleblowers The US Government Tried To Silence

Kiriakou and two other American whistleblowers, Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack, are the subjects of Silenced, a film directed by James Spione which has tapped into a zeitgeist moment, when people all over the world are deeply concerned about powers their government has claimed to protect security which infringe upon civil liberties, press freedom, and openness in government.