16 Sep 2015

U.S. Wrongly Argues Verizon Wireless’ Participation In NSA Program Is Classified

In a challenge to the constitutionality of the National Security Agency’s phone records surveillance program, President Barack Obama’s administration claims whether Verizon Wireless participated in the program is a state secret. This is remarkable given there is irrefutable evidence from government documents of Verizon Wireless’ involvement in a similar challenge to this program.

16 Sep 2015

Former Chicago Juvenile Inmates Have High Rates of Substance Abuse, Psychiatric Disorders, Study Finds

Formerly incarcerated youth in Cook County, Chicago, were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders at a rate higher than that of the general population, according to new research. The research also found Black former juvenile inmates had lower prevalence rates for psychiatric and substance abuse disorders over time than compared to whites and Hispanics, despite the fact that they constitute a disproportionately larger segment of the incarcerated population.

16 Sep 2015

Phyllis Bennis: ISIS Is Filling The Holes Left By The US War On Terror

What gave rise to ISIS and how is the group holding onto power? To answer these questions, journalist, activist and political commentator Phyllis Bennis connects the dots between the fall of Iraq, the U.S. “War on Terror,” and oil.

15 Sep 2015

Oklahoma About To Execute An Innocent Man, Activists Warn (VIDEO)

Democracy Now: Time is running out for Richard Glossip. The state of Oklahoma is scheduled to execute Glossip on Wednesday night, but his legal team is pushing for a new review of the case, saying the state is about to kill an innocent man.

15 Sep 2015

Appealing Treasury Department’s FOIA Response On Hank Paulson AIG Records

The following letter was mailed today to the Treasury Department’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) division. It is a response to a two year old FOIA request that asked for records concerning former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s communications during a period that included the AIG bailout. The Treasury Department claimed, amazingly, that no official records could be found and gave me 35 days to appeal the no records response.

15 Sep 2015

Julian Assange: US & Israel Planned To Overthrow Assad In 2006

Speaking from Ecuador’s embassy in London, Julian Assange revealed that the United States planned to overthrow the Syrian government as far back as 2006, several years before the start of the current crisis.

14 Sep 2015

Is The US Involved In 134 Acts Of War Or 0?

The United States could be fighting in dozens of conflicts around the world or none at all, depending on how one defines “war” or “conflict.” And despite repeated failures of U.S. military intervention to create global stability, American troops continue to be sent into more nations and more battles, usually without congressional approval.

14 Sep 2015

Attorneys: U.S. Claims ‘Unchecked Power’ to Keep Gravely Sick Prisoner at Guantanamo

Attorneys for a gravely sick Guantanamo Bay prisoner, who has been on hunger strike for eight and a half years, argue the United States government has “attacked” a federal court’s “Constitutional authority” by claiming “unchecked power” to continue detention and force-feeding. Tariq Ba Odah, a Yemeni prisoner and resident of

14 Sep 2015

Student Loan Crisis Driven By For-Profit Colleges, Report Shows

Brookings Institution found that “most of the increase in default is because of an upsurge in the number of borrowers attending for-profit schools and, to a lesser-extent, community colleges and other non-selective institutions whose students had historically composed only a small share of student borrowing.”

14 Sep 2015

Modern Debtors Prison: Alabama Jailing Residents Over Tickets

According to a federal class action lawsuit filed in Alabama this month, the city of Alexander is incarcerating people who are unable to pay court fees and fines in a modern-day debtors prison. The suit argues the practice not only constitutes false imprisonment, but also violates inmates’ Fourth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights under the Constitution.