22 Sep 2015

#YouStink: Lebanese Rise Up Against The Capitalist Dream Of Privatization

“Lebanon is brutally capitalist in its structures … all public infrastructures are run privately,” one analyst tells MintPress. “And so what you see today as a ‘revolution’ against the establishment is really a denunciation of Western capitalism.”

21 Sep 2015

We Invite You to Become a Member & Support Shadowproof

Shadowproof invites you to become a Shadowproof member to help keep a tradition of excellent independent journalism and community activism alive. The purpose of the Shadowproof membership program is to provide a stable system of financial support for our work each month, which will allow us to pay talented, out-of-work and struggling journalists and build an ideal home for their work.

21 Sep 2015

Released Guantanamo Prisoner Experienced Terror On Flight To Morocco

A Moroccan released from Guantanamo Bay prison was blindfolded and shackled during his flight to Morocco, where he remains in detention, according to his attorney. Younis Abdurrahman Chekkouri, who was detained for 13 years, was repatriated to Morocco last week. Moroccan authorities did not immediately release him.

21 Sep 2015

SEC Commissioner’s Husband Caught Marketing Influence

The law firm that employs John W. White, husband of Mary Jo White, Chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has changed its marketing material after being scrutinized for the way the firm advertised its connections to regulators. The firm, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, was trumpeting John White’s work for an advisory group to the influential Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) just as Mary Jo White, in her capacity as SEC chair, is considering candidates to lead the PCAOB.

21 Sep 2015

Bernie Sanders’ Private Prison Reform Bill Would Leave Opportunities For Industry To Grow

Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has introduced legislation to abolish aspects of the prison industrial-complex. However, despite being touted as a private prison abolition bill, it would still leave some areas of corrections open to contractors. On September 17, Sanders joined Representatives Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)

21 Sep 2015

DEA Chief Admits Marijuana Is Less Dangerous Than Heroin, But Won’t Reschedule

Despite ample evidence pointing to the therapeutic, non-addictive qualities of marijuana, the new head of the Drug Enforcement Agency wants to keep it legally classified alongside heroin and other highly addictive substances. “If we come up with a medical use for it, that would be wonderful. But we haven’t,” declared Chuck Rosenberg, the acting head of the Drug Enforcement Agency, in an interview with Fox News.

21 Sep 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘This is Not a Protest Song’

Jazz vocalist and songwriter René Marie believed since the civil rights movement jazz musicians had not done all that much to address social issues. She recorded a song in 2007 about her personal experiences with homelessness, and all money made from the song was to be given to Colorado’s Coalition for the

20 Sep 2015

Podcast: As Hunger Strike Ends, Parent Shares How Fight for Dyett Means Everything to Her

The Fight for Dyett, a grassroots campaign to revitalize and save Walter H. Dyett High School on the south side of Chicago, ended a 34-day hunger strike on September 19. At least twelve people had participated in the hunger strike in order to save the public school from being closed down and privatized.

19 Sep 2015

US And UK Arm Child Soldiers At World’s Largest Arms Fair In London

Against the objections of the United Nations, this week the United States and the United Kingdom together helped arm the world’s child soldiers.

18 Sep 2015

Chelsea Manning To Sue Military For Prohibiting Her From Growing Hair

Chelsea Manning announced the United States Army has once again denied her ongoing request to grow her hair out. She indicated she will file a lawsuit against the prohibition.