29 Sep 2015

Subscribe to Shadowproof’s Weekly Newsletter

Starting this Thursday, we’ll be mailing out a weekly digest of our best stories. Sign up now to get the first issue in your inbox!

29 Sep 2015

Film Review: ’99 Homes’ Is Compelling Tale Of Corruption Around Home Foreclosures

Ramin Bahrani’s “99 Homes” depicts corruption in the housing market in Florida through compelling characters shaped and affected by this underworld.

29 Sep 2015

Attitudes Toward Treatment Limit Chicago’s Former Youth Inmates’ Access To Health Care

Only 15.4% of detainees with mental health disorders receive treatment. 31% of former youth prisoners were not sure where to go for treatment.

29 Sep 2015

[UPDATE] Brookings Institution Under Fire For Wall Street Shilling

Sen. Elizabeth Warren says Brookings Institution, the well-known think tank, helped Wall Street block a rule revealing potential conflicts of interest in retirement investment advice.

29 Sep 2015

Anonymous Hacktivists Target Saudi Arabia To Prevent Brutal Execution Of 21 Year Old

Critics say Saudi Arabia sentenced Ali Mohammed al-Nimr to death because he is the nephew of Sheikh Nimr Baqr al-Nimr, a political dissident who also faces the death penalty.

28 Sep 2015

If The Internet Could Rap … (Juice Rap News)

How is the Internet doing? What would the Internet say if it could speak … or rap? Juice Rap News takes a look at the State of the Internet in their latest video.

28 Sep 2015

Donald Trump Claims He Will Break Up NAFTA And Increase Taxes On The Rich

In an interview that aired Sunday on 60 Minutes and a press conference today, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump struck a seemingly populist tone on trade and taxes with promises to dump unfavorable trade deals and increase taxes on the wealthy.

28 Sep 2015

Juvenile Justice Reform Will Fail Without Specific Focus On Young Women

Black girls were about three times as likely as white girls to be referred to juvenile court, and 20% more likely to be detained than white girls. American Indian/Alaska Native girls were 50% more likely to be locked-up.

28 Sep 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘The Uranium War’

Indigenous singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie sings, “And me I watched it grow: corporate greed & a lust for gold & coal & oil and, hey, now uranium.”

28 Sep 2015

Marijuana, Reconsidered: Dr. Lester Grinspoon On 45 Years Of Cannabis Science

Since 1967, Dr. Lester Grinspoon, a Harvard professor, has brought real, scientific truth to the study of marijuana, bursting the myths of the war on drugs.