05 Oct 2015

Bernie Sanders On Pizza Inequality (VIDEO)

We know how Bernie Sanders stands on inequality, corporate money in politics, and Too Big To Fail banks. but what about equal pizza distribution?

05 Oct 2015

Doctors Without Borders: ‘Reality Is U.S. Dropped Those Bombs’

The general director for Doctors Without Borders responded to Pentagon claims that Afghan military forces are responsible for bombs, which hit their hospital in Kunduz and killed 22 patients and staff, including three children. “Their description of the attack keeps changing—from collateral damage, to a tragic incident, to now attempting

05 Oct 2015

Long-Awaited Criminal Justice Reform Introduced In Senate

A bipartisan criminal justice reform bill introduced in the Senate last week includes changes to mandatory minimum sentences for low level drug offenses.

05 Oct 2015

TPP Agreement Announced, Setting Up Battle In Congress

Congress becomes the last hope of stopping the Trans Pacific Partnership, where passage is not guaranteed despite fast track authority.

05 Oct 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘Freeway’

In the protest anthem, “Freeway,” singer-songwriter David Rosane sings, “Sorry for the inconvenience. We’re just trying to change the world.” It is premised around an apology-but-not-an-apology to those upset they cannot get anywhere in their vehicles because people are clogging the streets while protesting. Also, grassroots struggles are on a

04 Oct 2015

Podcast: Dima Khalidi of Palestine Legal on ‘Palestine Exception to Free Speech’

In the United States, there is a campaign by Israeli advocacy organizations—with the support of the Israeli government—to censor, intimidate, harass, and vilify activists engaged in activism for Palestinian human rights. Particularly, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is seen as a threat. The focusing of resources against activists,

03 Oct 2015

US Withholding Evidence That Could Free Former GITMO Prisoner (VIDEO)

Kevin Gosztola recently appeared on The Matthew Filipowicz show to discuss the plight of former Guantanamo prisoner Younis Abdurrahman Chekkouri.

02 Oct 2015

Blacked Out Pages: U.S. Government Snubs ACLU Over Targeted Killing FOIA

The US government gave the ACLU the equivalent of the middle finger in response to a FOIA request for records on the “targeted killing program.”

02 Oct 2015

Mass Shootings In ‘A Culture Obsessed With Guns’ (VIDEO)

The Young Turks: “We’re living in this age of extreme gun violence. And it’s scary to know it doesn’t matter where you are, you could be a victim to this.”

02 Oct 2015

Brookings Firing Exposes Rift Between Elizabeth Warren And Hillary Clinton Supporters

Robert Litan’s resignation from the Brookings Institution exposed some fault lines within the Democratic Party.