08 Oct 2015

Top Censored Stories Of 2015 (VIDEO)

Project Censored on bee die-offs, the dizzying wealth of the world’s 1%, U.S. military expansion and other stories the corporate media aren’t talking about.

07 Oct 2015

Film Review: In ‘Sicario,’ What Happens When FBI Agent Threatens to Expose True War on Drugs

In ‘Sicario’ as in real life, those who have the integrity to challenge authority, like Emily Blunt’s character, do so at great risk to their livelihood.

07 Oct 2015

Harvard Debate Team Loses To Prison Inmates (VIDEO)

“If prison education lowers the recidivism rate and makes the prison system more efficient, why hasn’t more money been invested in programs?”

07 Oct 2015

TPP: Supposed Free Trade Agreement To Expand Copyrights And Patents

The TPP is being sold as a “free trade” agreement to facilitate the flow of goods and services across borders, but a big part of it does the exact opposite.

07 Oct 2015

Wikileaks Exposes Secret Deal To Get Saudi Arabia On UN Human Rights Council

Two years after the controversial appointment of Saudi Arabia to the UN Human Rights Council, leaked cables reveal the UK was a key player in the election.

07 Oct 2015

Tennessee County Seeks New Jail Medical Contract After Inmate Deaths

About one month after two inmates died in one week at the Henderson County Jail in Tennessee, the county issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) [PDF] for a new jail medical contract. Henderson County Jail had a contract with Advanced Correctional Healthcare (ACH) at the time of the deaths—a company which has

06 Oct 2015

School Officers’ Pepper Spray Policy Declared Unconstitutional In Alabama

High school public safety officers employed by the Birmingham Police Department (BPD) in Alabama violated the constitutional rights of students by using pepper spray against them “unnecessarily” and then failing to adequately decontaminate the children, according to a decision by US District Court Judge Abdul K. Kallon. The ruling in the class action lawsuit brought by eight Birmingham City School

06 Oct 2015

U.S. Commander Claims Forces ‘Would Never Intentionally Target Protected Medical Facility’

The United States commander of military forces in Afghanistan appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee and addressed the U.S. airstrike on the hospital in Kunduz. He claimed the Doctors Without Border hospital was “mistakenly struck,” and the U.S. “would never intentionally target a protected medical facility.” General John F.

06 Oct 2015

Former Fed Chair Bernanke Says Bankers Should Have Been Jailed For ’08 Crash

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who engaged in his own questionable conduct while head of the Fed, has now said that individuals should have gone to jail for engaging in the financial crimes that led to the 2008 financial crisis. Bernanke’s statement came last week during a book promotion

06 Oct 2015

No More Nice Canada: C-51 Anti-Terrorism Law A Sign Of A Growing Police State

C-51, a controversial anti-terrorism bill, shows how Canada uses the threat of terrorism to justify decreasing freedom, just like its neighbor to the south.