12 Oct 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘Omar’

The global refugee crisis in Europe persists, as over a million of the most vulnerable people seek resettlement in countries which can support them with humanitarian aid. Yet, some of the most wealthy countries in the world have failed to appropriately respond to this desperate moment. Amnesty International estimates only

11 Oct 2015

Podcast: Journalist Anand Gopal on MSF Hospital Attack & Next Phase of Afghanistan War

The Afghanistan war returned to the headlines this past week, reminding Americans it is still ongoing. The U.S. bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital in the Kunduz province. General John Campbell, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, appeared before congressional committee to make statements about the strike and also, with

09 Oct 2015

Fight For 15: Minimum Wage Jobs No Longer Short Term

Though many Americans may still be under the impression that those working minimum wage jobs are just young people in their first job, evidence continues to show that a sizable and increasing portion of the minimum wage workforce are over 40 and staying in the “entry level” jobs for years.

09 Oct 2015

St. Louis County to Privatize Healthcare at Jail, Documents Show

If St. Louis chooses to privatize healthcare at the Buzz Westfall Detention Center and Family Court Juvenile Justice Center, the county could end up announcing a deal with a contractor any day now. According to documents obtained by Shadowproof, St. Louis “anticipates selection of an apparent successful proposer at the beginning of October

09 Oct 2015

WikiLeaks Publishes Finalized TPP Chapter Which Expands Monopoly Rights for Pharmaceutical Companies

Days after secretive negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership concluded, WikiLeaks has published the complete chapter on intellectual property. The leaked text shows the TPP would expands monopoly rights for pharmaceutical companies to help protect against competition from generic drug manufacturers. According to an analysis by Public Citizen, the text also

09 Oct 2015

‘Classified Speech’: Purdue Destroys Video of Presentation on Snowden Documents

There are numerous examples of American colleges or universities invoking “civility” to stifle free speech, especially speech around the issue of Palestinian human rights. Multiple instances exist where students have demanded particular speech or acts of expression, which make them uncomfortable, be controlled or suppressed. On a lesser scale, there

09 Oct 2015

‘Exporting Revolution’: Zbigniew Brzezinski On Trial At The UN General Assembly

The shadow of the 87-year-old looms large over the U.S. and its allies’ policy of destabilization which other world leaders decry as a “policy of terror.”

08 Oct 2015

How TPP Stands To Significantly Boost U.S. Military Power In Asia-Pacific Region

WikiLeaks cables reveal one hidden agenda of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: increasing the might of American empire against China’s growing power.

08 Oct 2015

Empire And Resistance In Henry Kissinger’s Shadow (VIDEO)

Given that Henry Kissinger has endorsed Hillary Clinton, what does that say about her candidacy and American liberal politics in general?

08 Oct 2015

Drug Testing Welfare Applicants Was Waste Of Time And Money

Tennessee has spent $11,000 drug testing applicants & an undisclosed amount administering the program – and only 0.19% tested positive for illegal drug use.