14 Oct 2015

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Snowden, Ignore Whistleblower Protection Issues

Only one Democratic candidate, Lincoln Chafee, opposed jailing NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden if he were to return to the United states.

14 Oct 2015

Virtues Of Capitalism Become Issue At 2016 Democratic Debate

While much of the corporate media obsesses over who “won” last night’s 2016 Democratic presidential debate, few are recognizing a much more noteworthy aspect of yesterday’s proceedings. For the first time in a long time, Americans witnessed a substantive discussion on the virtues of capitalism in a mainstream party debate.

14 Oct 2015

Appeals Court Opposes Religious Profiling, Reinstates Lawsuit Against NYPD Spying

A federal court reinstated a lawsuit brought by American Muslims claiming the NYPD violated their constitutional rights by profiling and spying on them.

14 Oct 2015

Ali Al-Nimr’s Father Pleads For Son’s Release & Online Activism Ahead Of Crucifixion

Ali Al-Nimr was condemned to be crucified in Saudi Arabia in 2012, when he was just 17 years old.

13 Oct 2015

Less Than 400 Families Contribute Most Of 2016 Presidential Funds

How much longer can America’s plutocracy be denied? A recent report by The New York Times reveals that 158 of the richest families are now providing a “financial check on demographic forces” that are moving the country in a more progressive direction by contributing nearly half of all early money

13 Oct 2015

CIA Torture Architects Sued by Former Detainees for Water Dousing & Other Methods

The ACLU sued two psychologists contracted by the CIA to develop, implement, and personally administer an experimental torture program in the War on Terror.

13 Oct 2015

Israel Takes Advantage Of Syrian Civil War To Expand Illegal Golan Heights Settlements

Israel is taking advantage of the chaos in Syria to expand its illegal settlements in the Golan Heights as new oil reserves were discovered in the region.

12 Oct 2015

Former JPMorgan Vice President Alleges Money Laundering Cover-Up

Last Friday, JPMorgan successfully got a whistleblower lawsuit from former VP Jennifer Sharkey tossed out of federal court.

12 Oct 2015

Doctors Without Borders Rejects Pentagon Offer to Help Rebuild Bombed Hospital

Doctors Without Borders rejected the Pentagon’s offer to rebuild their hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, which US military forces bombed on October 3.

12 Oct 2015

WikiLeaks: U.S. Supported Unrest In Bolivia, Prepared For Death Of Evo Morales

WikiLeaks cables show that the U.S. government spent years putting pressure on the Bolivian government, including funding for a violent opposition movement.