18 Oct 2015

Podcast: Intercept Reporter Ryan Devereaux on ‘The Drone Papers’ & Afghanistan War

A whistleblower within the United States intelligence community provided secret military documents to The Intercept, which reveal key details about worldwide assassination operations, including drone strikes. “The Drone Papers,” published by The Intercept on October 15, showed how the U.S. military has designated unidentified men as “Enemies Killed in Action”

17 Oct 2015

Third Intifada Or Zionist Jihad: Israel Escalates Tensions With Execution Style Force

Netanyahu has no strategy for addressing Palestinian grievances short of more force and more blood spilled from Israelis and Palestinians alike.

16 Oct 2015

Moody’s Downgrades Corizon’s Parent Company, Citing Contract Losses

Moody’s cited volatility among Corizon Health Service’s contracts and confusion regarding the status of company’s agreement with Florida.

16 Oct 2015

Racism And The Cruelty Of Affluence With Tim Wise (VIDEO)

Tim Wise: “The development of the class structure in the United States has been, from the beginning, interwoven with the development of white supremacy. “

16 Oct 2015

CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Seeks Presidential Pardon

CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling has requested President Barack Obama pardon him. His wife argued in an open letter that his trial was unfairly biased.

16 Oct 2015

Global 1% Own Half Of World’s Wealth, Social Security And Worker Pay Frozen

According to the 2015 wealth report by Credit Suisse, the global top wealth percentile now own half of all household assets in the world. The increased financialization of the world economy combined with political systems bent towards the wealthy has led to an incredibly unequal world where a relative handful of

15 Oct 2015

Despite Prop 47, California Continues to Invest In Incarceration

California fails to take advantage of opportunities to reduce their inmate population, according to an annual report published by prison reform group Californians United For A Responsible Budget (CURB). This trend occurs in spite of the fact that California voters passed Proposition 47 last year to reduce the number of people incarcerated

15 Oct 2015

Documents from Whistleblower Show ‘Targeted Killing’ Operations Killed Hundreds Who Weren’t Targets

A US intelligence whistleblower disclosed secret military documents about worldwide assassination operations the Obama admin. has kept from the public.

15 Oct 2015

Walmart Stock Crashes After Company Pays Workers Slightly More

Did you need more proof that Walmart’s business model is based on screwing their workers?

15 Oct 2015

The World’s Largest Detention Center Is For Black Jews Seeking Asylum In Israel

The recent release of 1,200 prisoners from a detention center in the Negev Desert is not a signal that Israel is rethinking its harsh treatment of refugees.