20 Oct 2015

Despite DOJ’s Promises, No Boeing Executives Prosecuted For Fraud Scheme

The Department of Justice has now failed a second time to bring criminal charges against corporate executives who broke the law, after announcing a new policy of bringing charges against corporate executives who broke the law. The first failure was DOJ giving corporate executives at General Motors (GM) a complete pass

20 Oct 2015

A Letter From John Kiriakou To Shadowproof Readers

Dear Friends, I have long been indebted to Jane Hamsher, Kevin Gosztola, and Brian Sonenstein at Firedoglake. They helped rally support for me in my deepest time of need, reaching out to people like you who gave very generously to FDL to help Heather and me pay for our mortgage

20 Oct 2015

Air Force Office Tells Drone Whistleblower’s Mom She Is On ISIS ‘Hit List’

The United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations sent officers to the home of the mother of a drone whistleblower to inform her she was on an Islamic State “hit list.” The officers indicated her information was compromised in the Office of Personnel Management hack, however, the drone whistleblower’s

20 Oct 2015

New York City Considers Strict Limits on Jail Mail And Visitation

After a request by the city’s Department of Corrections (DOC) for greater control over the flow of contraband, the New York City’s Board of Correction (BOC) is considering strict new mail and visitation rules [PDF] for its jails. The request comes after a recent increase in violence due to the proliferation of

20 Oct 2015

Israel Receives $3.1B In US Aid While The Middle East’s Poor Struggle To Survive

Israelis earn an average per capita income of $34,990, almost 19 times more than Syrians take home each year, yet continues to receive billions in US aid.

19 Oct 2015

Will Potter: CMUs Are The Secret Prisons You’ve Never Heard Of Before (VIDEO)

Investigative journalist Will Potter is the only reporter who has been inside a Communications Management Unit, or CMU, a ‘Kafkaesque’ unit in US prisons.

19 Oct 2015

Homan Square Lawsuit: Chicago Police Allegedly Abused & Framed Black Men for Drug Offenses

Three black men from Chicago sued police officers and the city of Chicago for detaining them at Homan Square and subsequently framing them for manufacturing and delivering heroin. The lawsuit, which the People’s Law Office filed on October 19 [PDF], is one of a handful of complaints brought against police

19 Oct 2015

Wealth Therapy: Are The 1% Even Happy?

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has some advice for the global 1% who are feeling “maladjusted” and distant from humanity.

19 Oct 2015

Texas Prisons For Migrant Families May Be Licensed As ‘Childcare Facilities’

Texas is considering granting childcare licenses to immigrant family detention centers in order to bring them into compliance with a federal court order.

19 Oct 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘Innocent Criminals’

Somewhere around forty or more Palestinians have been killed since October 1. While there have been instances where Palestinians were armed and engaged in attacks, many of these deaths have been a result of execution-style shootings by Israeli forces. And, at the same time, at least seven Israelis have been