05 Nov 2015

Midwest Campus Activists Vow To Keep Struggling For Palestine Despite Threats

As Students for Justice in Palestine draw attention to the devastating effects of Israeli occupation, attacks on activists are increasing nationwide.

04 Nov 2015

Appeals Court Reverses Decision To Suppress Evidence In NCIS Spying Case

An appeals court overturned a decision to suppress evidence revealed by a NCIS agent during dragnet surveillance of file-sharing users in Washington state.

04 Nov 2015

Takata Fined $200 Million For Lying About Defective Airbags

The federal government announced a $200 million fine for car airbag manufacturer Takata for failing to issue a recall after selling defective airbags.

03 Nov 2015

House Passes DHS ‘Insider Threat’ Program Bill That Could Impact Whistleblowers

The U.S. House approved a bill, sponsored by Rep. Peter King, which would give DHS unprecedented surveillance powers to monitor potential whistleblowers.

03 Nov 2015

Too Big To Fail AIG Refuses To Break Up

AIG executives are refusing to consider a plan created by shareholder activist Carl Icahn to break up the massive “Too Big To Fail” corporation.

03 Nov 2015

Chelsea Manning Reflects on Army’s Punishment for Expired Toothpaste & LGBTQ Literature

In letters from prison, whistleblower Chelsea Manning reflects on the Army’s choice to punish her for expired toothpaste and LGBTQ/political literature.

03 Nov 2015

Letter from Leavenworth: Chelsea Manning on Struggle to Be Herself in Military Prison

Chelsea Manning and Kevin Gosztola exchanged letters during and after she was punished by the Army for having expired toothpaste and LGBTQ literature

03 Nov 2015

Indonesian Forest Fires Producing More Pollution Daily Than Entire US Economy

Indonesia is burning, literally, one of the worst environmental and humanitarian disasters of our era, though you likely haven’t heard about it on TV.

02 Nov 2015

CAIR: FBI’s CVE Program Stigmatizes Muslim Students (VIDEO)

CAIR: “The FBI’s job is not to offer programs that introduce suspicion into their relations with teachers and can lead to stigmatization and bullying.”

02 Nov 2015

ICE Punishes Immigrant Women On Hunger Strike With Isolation, Cold Cells

Guards at the Hutto Detention Center in Texas, are retaliating against immigrant detainees engaged in a hunger strike to protest their living conditions.