09 Nov 2015

Support For Neoliberalism Is Killing Working-Class Whites

Middle-aged, working-class whites are dying faster than ever before, according to new research from Princeton. Are they voting away their own futures?

09 Nov 2015

’60 Minutes’ Pushes National Security Propaganda To Cast Snowden, Manning As Traitors

60 Minutes airs a segment assassinating the character of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, going so far as to question their loyalty to America.

08 Nov 2015

Podcast: NYPD Infiltration of Brooklyn College Suggests Surveillance of Muslims Continues

The New York Police Department deployed an undercover officer named “Mel,” who “converted” to Islam and infiltrated Brooklyn College, according to a report published in the Gothamist. As reported, three Brooklyn College graduates shared how “Mel” had developed relationships with them. She was present “during some of the most private

07 Nov 2015

Edward Snowden Just Slammed UK Mass Surveillance

Edward Snowden has a problem with the UK’s push for mass surveillance, and he’s taken to Twitter to air his grievances.

06 Nov 2015

ICE Claims There Is No Hunger Strike At Hutto Amid Escalating Retaliation

ICE continues to deny there is an inmate demonstration taking place at T. Don Hutto as hunger striker claim retaliation against them is intensifying.

06 Nov 2015

Guantanamo Prisoner Cleared for Release, But U.S. Opposes Rejoining Family in Yemen

Mansoor Abdul Rahman al Dayfi is cleared for release from Guantanamo Bay, but the U.S. won’t let him return home to care for his ailing family members.

06 Nov 2015

Afghanistan Waste-A-Thon Continues With $43 Million Gas Station

The latest addition to the already $1.7 trillion “War on Terror” is a $43 million gas station in Afghanistan that should have cost around $500,000.

06 Nov 2015

Mexican Supreme Court Rules Prohibition Of Cannabis Unconstitutional

The Mexican Supreme Court ruled that cannabis prohibition “violates the right to free development of one’s personality.”

05 Nov 2015

Doctors Without Borders Releases Horrific Details Of Kunduz Hospital Bombing By U.S. Forces

Doctors Without Borders released shocking new details of the events before, during, and after the devastating U.S. airstrikes on Kunduz Trauma Center.

05 Nov 2015

White House Releases Text Of Trans-Pacific Partnership

The White House has released the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) online, the first time the public will see history’s largest trade deal.