11 Nov 2015

Introducing The Next Cold War

Shadowproof is pleased to announce the launch of the Next Cold War: a place focused on US imperial ambition and the forces getting in its way.

11 Nov 2015

New York City Postpones Elimination Of Solitary Confinement For Young Adults

New York City’s Board of Correction voted on Tuesday to delay the elimination of solitary confinement for young adults until the end of February 2016.

11 Nov 2015

Wall Street Group Goes On Ad Blitz Against CFPB

Viewers of last night’s Republican presidential debate were treated to quite a spectacle. Not only did they get to see a presidential debate, but multiple times during the commercial breaks a 30-second ad called “Denied,” by the 501(c)(4) group American Action Network, played and presented an Orwellian vision of the

11 Nov 2015

Dissenting Against Another Unjust Retrial Of Albert Woodfox By State Of Louisiana

Although a court just ruled that Albert Woodfox could be retried, Judge James L. Dennis objected to the years of torture the state has put Woodfox through.

11 Nov 2015

‘Israel Has Declared War On Palestinian Children’ (VIDEO)

Israeli peace activist Miko Peled explains what media coverage misses about the recent uptick of violence in Jerusalem and the occupation of Palestine.

10 Nov 2015

Casa De Paz’s Sarah Jackson Helps Immigrants Regain Hope After Detention (VIDEO)

“Life in the detention center is very hopeless. You re in one room, your dorm, 24/7. You eat there, sleep there, there’s no access to going outside.”

10 Nov 2015

Senator Tom Cotton Wrongly Tries To Link Social Security And Drug Addiction

There is absolutely no basis whatsoever for Senator Tom Cotton’s batty claim that Social Security benefits fuels heroin addiction among the poor.

10 Nov 2015

Letter From Leavenworth: Chelsea Manning Discusses ‘Personal And Emotionally Tough Letters’ From Trans People

In a second letter from Chelsea Manning, she reflects on being put on 21-day recreation restriction and what it is like to read letters from trans people.

09 Nov 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘s​/​as boy​/​as a boy’ by Ted Hearne

In the past week Representative Peter King and “60 Minutes” have compared U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning to Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter who killed twelve people, and presented Manning as a disloyal American. This makes Ted Hearne’s composition inspired by Chelsea Manning exceptionally relevant to the moment.

09 Nov 2015

Judge Blocks NSA From Collecting Data on Law Firm Under Phone Records Surveillance Program

A federal judge blocked the NSA from collecting data on a law firm under the agency’s phone records surveillance program.