24 Nov 2015

Libya’s Collapse Proves Hillary Clinton Learned Nothing From Iraq War

As Clinton makes another attempt at the imperial presidency, she appears unwilling or unable to learn from the horrible blunders she championed in the past.

24 Nov 2015

After Coverup Fails, Chicago Cop Charged With Murder Of Laquan McDonald

The case against Jason Van Dyke marks the first time in Chicago’s history that a police officer faces criminal charges for an on-duty shooting.

24 Nov 2015

23 States Now Offer Form Of Legal Marijuana; 58% of Americans Support Legalization

While Colorado receives the lion’s share of attention for legalizing marijuana, the legal landscape is shifting toward permissive laws nationwide.

23 Nov 2015

VIDEO: Why The #BlackOnCampus Movement Matters

In just 3 minutes, Eleanor Goldfield of Act Out! explains why #BlackOnCampus is at the heart of a new activist awakening on American college campuses.

23 Nov 2015

Donald Trump Misremembers Israeli 9/11 Story, Blames Muslims

When Donald Trump claims 1000s of Muslims cheered 9/11, he’s rewriting a real incident that actually involved 5 Israelis.

23 Nov 2015

Protest Song of the Week: ‘I Pity the Country’ by Willie Dunn

While many Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday, there are countless Native Americans who will be marking the holiday with a “National Day of Mourning” to remember the genocide of millions of Native people. Coinciding with the holiday, America still finds itself experiencing an ignorant and grotesque form of

23 Nov 2015

Next Cold War Roundup 11-23-15

  Welcome to the Next Cold War Roundup, posted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 AM Eastern. You’ll find here what you won’t find in the mainstream news on issues of war and peace.   News & Analysis Crimea Crimea in Dark After Power Lines Are Blown Up MOSCOW

22 Nov 2015

Podcast: After Paris Attacks, Islamophobia About as Awful as After 9/11

In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris, numerous American Muslims or U.S. citizens, who have brown skin, live in fear of what might happen if they go out in public. There have been several reported hate crimes. One mosque was vandalized by a ripped up Quran covered in feces.

21 Nov 2015

When Airlines and Security Validate American Passengers’ Fear of Brown People

One week after the Paris attacks, any American Muslim or U.S. citizen with brown skin lives in fear of what might happen if they go out in public. It is particularly awful for those brown-skinned Americans who decide to travel by plane because airlines, police, and security agents are legitimizing

20 Nov 2015

Hamid Khan: The Surveillance-Industrial Complex In Everyday Life (VIDEO)

When Los Angeles recently pledged to spend more on homelessness, did you think that meant spending more on police? With Laura Flanders and Hamid Khan.