23 Aug 2016

Shifting Alliances And More Fronts Mean Higher Risk, Complexity In Syrian War

Next Cold War Roundup 8/23/16 The war in Syria has heated up on several fronts. The battle for Aleppo continues and the Syrian coalition is massing a bigger force. Fighting in northeastern Hasakah province threatens to escalate the war and the risk of conflict between Syria, Russia, Turkey and the

15 Aug 2016

US Defense Firms Profit By Saudi Arabia’s Slaughter Of Yemen

While the US defense industry gains billions selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, thousands of innocent civilians in Yemen lose their lives.

11 Aug 2016

With Libya, US Now Has Ground Forces In Four Wars

News that US ground forces are now fighting in Libya means the US is now involved in at least four active wars.

14 Jul 2016

NATO’s Aggression Puts World On Edge, Former Commander Plotted Against Obama

Another round of provocative military exercises on Russia’s border by NATO has raised fears of a nuclear war in Europe.

11 Jul 2016

US Sends More Troops To Iraq As Chilcot Report Shows War Based On Lies

While the Obama Administration is sending troops to Iraq for a new war, the Iraq War of 2003 has been revisited in the UK in an exhaustive report.

02 Jun 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Speech Against Trump Hypocritically Touts Her Foreign Policy Strength

Hillary Clinton has done many of the very things she attacked Trump for doing.

26 Apr 2016

Obama Sends More Troops To Syria As Spokesman Memoryholes Pledge

The “no boots on the ground” pledge has clearly been violated, but if you believe State Department Spokesman John Kirby, the pledge itself was never made.

22 Mar 2016

New US Base In Iraq Drawing Fire From All Sides

The US built its first base in northern Iraq since 2014, and in the process united ISIS and Iranian-backed Shiite militias in a common cause.

15 Mar 2016

Hillary Clinton Confronted On Support For Regime Change At Town Hall

Using Clinton’s record on the Iraq War and Libya, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked why she was such a strong supporter of regime change.

08 Mar 2016

F-35: Trillion Dollar Warplane’s Radar Doesn’t Work

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of austerity, it was the age of a trillion dollar warplane that no one could make work.