08 Oct 2015

How TPP Stands To Significantly Boost U.S. Military Power In Asia-Pacific Region

WikiLeaks cables reveal one hidden agenda of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: increasing the might of American empire against China’s growing power.

05 Oct 2015

TPP Agreement Announced, Setting Up Battle In Congress

Congress becomes the last hope of stopping the Trans Pacific Partnership, where passage is not guaranteed despite fast track authority.

06 Aug 2015

TPP: White House Responds To Malaysia’s Slavery Problem By Lowering Standards

The scramble to secure a controversial trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is leading to some serious ethical conflicts for the Obama Administration. While many initial objections to TPP were due to concerns about a lack of transparency from the White House as to the contents of the agreement and how it was negotiated, a recent decision by the State Department to change a country’s ranking in a human trafficking report has human rights groups crying foul and citing TPP as the real reason for the change.