29 Nov 2016

What Makes For Good Solidarity With American Muslims And What Doesn’t?

The desire to show solidarity with American Muslims is an undoubtedly magnanimous endeavor, and while camaraderie is indispensable, especially in the face of rising anti-Muslim violence, there are expressions and measures of support, which are more immediately impactful. Before getting into beneficial methods of solidarity, we must first examine the

24 Nov 2016

Giving To The Water Protectors Fighting The Dakota Access Pipeline

Several initiatives exist for anyone interested in supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other indigenous people resisting construction of the Dakota Access pipeline on their land. First and foremost, the Sacred Stone Camp established by Standing Rock has an official page for funding the water, propane, food, blankets, and other

23 Jun 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 4: Identity Is Complicated

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars interview Lara Kiswani, a community organizer and Executive Director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center.