Pentagon Says $125 Billion Waste Report Not Suppressed
Citing a report from January 2015 and 28,000 downloads from its website, the Department of Defense argued it had not suppressed a report on wasteful spending.
Samantha Power’s Rhetoric Endangers Peace Talks; Nusra Interview Claims US & Israeli Support
Samantha Power and others accused Russia of barbarism and war crimes before walking out of the emergency UN meeting they convened, and more in our round-up.
In Precedent For Transgender Prisoners, Chelsea Manning To Receive Gender Reassignment Surgery
The United States Army agreed to provide Chelsea Manning access to gender reassignment surgery days after she launched a hunger strike to force the military to provide the medical treatment she needs. If the Army follows through, Manning will likely set a precedent that could be hugely positive for thousands
Inspector General Report: Pentagon Misreporting Trillions Of Dollars
The Pentagon has been caught, once again, not keeping track of where the money is going and remains unable to go through an audit.
US Defense Firms Profit By Saudi Arabia’s Slaughter Of Yemen
While the US defense industry gains billions selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, thousands of innocent civilians in Yemen lose their lives.
Right And Left Coalition Propose Over $38 Billion In Cuts For Pentagon
While conservatives and progressives in America may have stark differences, we all agree on reducing waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money.
Report: Pentagon Not Enforcing Revolving Door Corruption Regulations
A recent report reveals the Pentagon is not keeping track of whether former employees are complying with revolving door laws designed to prevent corruption.
New US Base In Iraq Drawing Fire From All Sides
The US built its first base in northern Iraq since 2014, and in the process united ISIS and Iranian-backed Shiite militias in a common cause.
Russian Semi-Withdrawal, US and Allies Prepare New Anti-Assad Offensive
Next Cold War Roundup 3/16/16 Geneva talks are on. Russia does a surprise semi-withdrawal from Syria, leaving a well equipped Syrian coalition but increasing pressure on Assad to compromise. The US brings to the table a weakened position on the ground but a threat of a Turkish invasion and the
F-35: Trillion Dollar Warplane’s Radar Doesn’t Work
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of austerity, it was the age of a trillion dollar warplane that no one could make work.