20 Nov 2017

Paul Ryan’s ‘Cindy’ Is A Cruel Figment Of The Capitalist Imagination

Republican Speaker Paul Ryan, who has an estimated net worth of $6.4 million, wants people to believe an extra $58 a month will allow for “Cindy” to save money.

30 Jan 2017

Creators Of ‘Paul Ryan: The Magazine’ Discuss Their Satirical Project

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is both a media darling, who positions himself as a leader that can temper President Donald Trump’s extremism, and an embodiment of much of Ayn Rand’s most destructive ideology, who is eager to carry out the agenda of the Koch Brothers. He is

18 Jan 2017

Enraged Political Establishment Would Have Been Okay With Chelsea Manning Dying In Prison

The political establishment in the United States is absolutely irate at President Barack Obama’s decision to commute U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning’s sentence. There are also an array of journalists and professional security or military analysts, who are incensed as well. What the emerging consensus seems to be is that

04 Jan 2017

Will Trump Go Along With Paul Ryan’s Plan To Destroy Medicare?

Given President-elect Trump’s commitments and the popularity of Social Security and Medicare, will he go along with Paul Ryan’s plan to destroy the programs?