28 Oct 2019

Journalist Max Blumenthal Arrested, Hit With Political Prosecution Related To Venezuela Reporting

Journalist Max Blumenthal was arrested on October 25 and charged with “assault” in a political case that he says is “completely false” and “manufactured” by Venezuela opposition supporters.

30 Apr 2019

Trump Administration Launched Yet Another Attempt To Force Confrontation In Venezuela And Topple Maduro

With the support of President Donald Trump’s administration, Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaido attempted to force yet another violent confrontation that would help the opposition remove Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro from power. Guaido appeared in a video with a “group of heavily armed national guardsmen.” He urged citizens to join

26 Feb 2019

Why Bernie Sanders’ Statements On Venezuela Are Crucial To Efforts To Defeat Trump

If Sanders and like-minded Democrats expect to succeed in their “political revolution,” they have to boldly stand up to Trump’s regime change agenda in Venezuela.

01 Feb 2019

Challenging The Liberal Case For Trump Administration’s Coup In Venezuela

Democrats say Trump is siding with liberal democracy by intervening in Venezuela, but politics of Maduro opponents suggest otherwise.

23 Jan 2019

Trump Backs Overthrow Of Venezuelan President, Recognizes Right-Wing Opposition Figure As Leader

President Trump recognized right-wing opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president, backing regime change against Nicolas Maduro.