28 Jun 2017

When Democrats Use Muslims As Election Props—And Lose

A 19 year-old medical student and grassroots organizer’s account of Jon Ossoff’s campaign stop at an Islamic community center exemplifies why Democrats lose.

25 Jun 2017

‘Unauthorized Disclosure’ – Episode 22: Democrats And Their Ossoff Fail

Hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola highlight some pretty awful and horrible stories on this week’s show but not before talking about the Democratic Party’s latest epic fail with Jon Ossoff’s loss in Georgia. After discussing what happened with Ossoff, the show moves on to the United States military and

21 Jun 2017

What If Jon Ossoff Campaigned On Message For Medicare For All?

Democrats prioritized flipping a Republican seat in Georgia, but they lost. They need to take responsibility for Jon Ossoff’s failure to win.