15 Sep 2015

Oklahoma About To Execute An Innocent Man, Activists Warn (VIDEO)

Democracy Now: Time is running out for Richard Glossip. The state of Oklahoma is scheduled to execute Glossip on Wednesday night, but his legal team is pushing for a new review of the case, saying the state is about to kill an innocent man.

03 Sep 2015

U.S. Rejects Recommendations Aimed at Ending Systematic Human Rights Abuses

On September 1, the United States government rejected several recommendations from countries which suggested how the U.S. could better uphold human rights. Rejected recommendations included abolishing the death penalty, ending spying on private communications of people of the world, and allowing foreign aid to assist rape victims in war zones who need access to safe abortions.

13 Aug 2015

How America Inspired The Nazis, And Other Shadowproof Reader Feedback

Welcome to the latest edition of the Shadowproof Mailbag. This installment covers the first part of this, Shadowproof’s second week. I’m taking a little day trip to New York City tomorrow and Brian will be filling in for me, so we’ll have to catch up on Friday’s feedback in the next edition. Here’s some of the best reader comments and feedback we’ve received about our recent articles.

06 Aug 2015

TPP: White House Responds To Malaysia’s Slavery Problem By Lowering Standards

The scramble to secure a controversial trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is leading to some serious ethical conflicts for the Obama Administration. While many initial objections to TPP were due to concerns about a lack of transparency from the White House as to the contents of the agreement and how it was negotiated, a recent decision by the State Department to change a country’s ranking in a human trafficking report has human rights groups crying foul and citing TPP as the real reason for the change.

02 Aug 2015

Juice Rap News On “Immigrants,” ft. Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Juice Rap News’ latest update look sat the controversial subject of immigration. Mass exoduses of people – refugees, asylum seekers, and migrant workers – are taking place all over the planet, causing tensions and tempers to rise. But are these really the kinds of immigrants we should be worrying about?