16 Aug 2015

US Military Denies Chelsea Manning Access to Prison Legal Library Prior to Hearing

Days before Chelsea Manning is supposed to appear before a disciplinary board, the United States military has denied her access to the prison legal library. Manning, a whistleblower who is serving a 35-year sentence for providing over a half million documents to WikiLeaks, has been accused by officers at Fort Leavenworth

13 Aug 2015

Petition: Keep Chelsea Manning Out Of Solitary!

Chelsea Manning is facing indefinite solitary confinement for supposed “crimes” like possessing magazines and an expired tube of toothpaste. Sign this petition to keep her from being tortured!

12 Aug 2015

US Military Threatens Chelsea Manning with Indefinite Solitary Confinement

The United States military has issued a set of “charges” or allegations against Chelsea Manning, which could potentially result in a punishment of indefinite solitary confinement at Fort Leavenworth where she is serving her sentence. According to a list the military sent to Manning, which Fight for the Future posted, the allegations include “disrespect,” “disorderly conduct,” “prohibited property,” and “medicine misuse.”