23 Oct 2018

Report Documents ‘Lucrative Relationship’ Between Tech Companies And Trump’s Deportation Machine

A trio of immigration and Latinx-focused organizations released a report on the “lucrative relationship” between tech companies and ICE.

01 Sep 2015

U.S. to Use Iris and Facial Scans at Southern Border for First Time

The United States Customs and Border Protection will launch a “Pedestrian Border Experiment” that will target non-US citizens. The “experiment” is expected to mark the first time facial and iris scans are used on individuals crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

17 Aug 2015

Workers To Face Biosurveillance From Employers

The modern work environment was already becoming more than a bit Orwellian, with employees being electronically spied on by their bosses to ensure productivity, but now the corporate push for total information awareness of workers is hitting new levels of creepiness. According to a report in Bloomberg, companies are now using biosurveillance technologies to monitor workers.