‘Democracy Is Messy’: Sanders Changes Tune On Protest At Democratic Convention
The Sanders campaign, which gave so many Americans the confidence to fight Democratic party elites, has told delegates to pause their outrage.
Bernie Sanders Sells Out The ‘Revolution’ For Nothing
If the lasting achievement of the Sanders campaign is getting changes to a sterile document, then call it a “revolution” lost.
Video: Rania Khalek Reports On Day 1 Of Democratic Convention
Kevin Gosztola interviews Rania Khalek, who reports on what she heard from Bernie Sanders delegates on Day of DNC in Philly.
Russian Conspiracy Theory Thrown Out To Distract From DNC Email Leak
Regardless of who hacked the DNC and what their motives were, the DNC emails make it clear there was a concerted effort to sabotage the Sanders campaign.
Outraged By DNC Leaks, More And More Sanders Supporters Plan To Vote Third Party
Judging by the attitudes witnessed among Sanders supporters outside City Hall, a significant slice of Sanders supporters are fed up with the Democratic Party.
Was Bernie Sanders Waiting On The FBI Before Endorsing Hillary Clinton?
A cynical man might speculate that, despite claims about not caring about Clinton’s “damn emails,” Sanders believed there was a chance she could be indicted.
After Sanders Endorses Clinton, ‘Political Revolution’ Faces Hard Choices
The critical question of the moment is what the endorsement means for the “political revolution.”
Clinton Democrats Defeat Effort To Address Government Revolving Door In Platform
Delegates from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign prevented a lobbyist amendment from being added to the Democratic Party platform. It would have suggested Democrats support regulating the revolving door, which allows federal government officials to work for industries they were in charge of regulating and later return to positions in government. At
The Democratic Party’s Neoliberal Rationalizations Of Corporate Power Endanger The Planet
What stands in the way of meaningfully addressing climate change is not only the fossil fuel industries but neoliberal rationalizations of corporate power.
New York Democrats Anoint Cuomo As Chair As Clinton Delegate Strikes Sanders Delegate With Cane
Democratic Party leaders effectively ensured no motions were brought to a vote and that Governor Cuomo was anointed the chair through an unfair process.