16 Dec 2015

Sixteen Bodies, Sixteen Shots: Blockade Honors Laquan McDonald & Others Killed By Chicago Police

Each of the activists represented one of the 16 shots Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke unloaded into Laquan McDonald’s body on October 20, 2014.

08 Dec 2015

New Chicago Police Chief Approved Fabricated Reports on Laquan McDonald Shooting

New Chicago PD Chief Escalante approved reports on Laquan McDonald’s shooting fabricated by officers, including Jason Van Dyke, who is charged with murder.

07 Dec 2015

How Chicago Police, IPRA & State’s Attorney Covered Up the Murder of Ronald Johnson

The State’s Attorney was incredulous when asked about a coverup, saying, “I don’t know what coverup you’re referring to. I’m not covering anything up.”