North Carolina ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Aimed At Suppressing Whistleblowers Struck Down By Federal Court
A federal court declared an “ag-gag” law in North Carolina unconstitutional and barred the state government from enforcing key parts of the law against journalists or whistleblowers.
Iowa ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Aimed At Suppressing Journalism Against Agribusiness Is Ruled Unconstitutional
A federal court in Iowa ruled the state’s corporate-backed “ag-gag” law, which targets journalists and activists, is unconstitutional.
Appeals Court Rules Against Idaho’s Unconstitutional Ag-Gag Law Aimed At Suppressing Journalists
In a decision upholding the First Amendment, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled key parts of an Idaho “ag-gag” law are unconstitutional.
No End In Sight For Big Agriculture’s Push To Criminalize Activists And Whistleblowers
Agribusiness and their lobbyists continue to convince legislatures to pass bills criminalizing whistleblowers, who expose animal cruelty or malfeasance.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Idaho ‘Ag-Gag Law,’ Defends Undercover Investigations Of Food Industry
An Idaho law enacted to permit the state to jail anyone, who conducts undercover investigations and secretly records animal abuse, was rejected as unconstitutional by a federal judge. The decision marked the first time a federal court had struck down a state’s “ag-gag law.”