18 Apr 2016

Palestine Activists Warm To Sanders While Clinton Spreads Israeli Propaganda

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, despite sharing the belief that “Israel has a right to defend itself,” are arguably worlds apart on the occupation.

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07 Mar 2016

‘Excuse Me, I’m Talking:’ Clinton Campaign Attack Diminishes Important Debate In Flint

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders participated in a debate hosted by CNN in Flint, Michigan. It was one of the more substantive debates of the 2016 election, and the debate was specifically aimed at calling more attention to the plight of Flint residents, who continue to endure the impacts

14 Oct 2015

Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Snowden, Ignore Whistleblower Protection Issues

Only one Democratic candidate, Lincoln Chafee, opposed jailing NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden if he were to return to the United states.