Shadowproof is proud to be home to the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast and the Beyond Prisons Podcast.

Unauthorized Disclosure: Journalists Rania Khalek & Kevin Gosztola question social and political norms that too often go unchallenged and cover subjects that rarely receive complete attention in the U.S. media.

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Beyond Prisons: Brian Sonenstein and Kim Wilson engage in deep conversation with directly impacted people, activists, scholars, artists, and others on the subjects of policing, incarceration, and the prison abolition and transformative justice movements.

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Latest Shadowproof Podcast Episodes

19 Oct 2015

Will Potter: CMUs Are The Secret Prisons You’ve Never Heard Of Before (VIDEO)

Investigative journalist Will Potter is the only reporter who has been inside a Communications Management Unit, or CMU, a ‘Kafkaesque’ unit in US prisons.

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18 Oct 2015

Podcast: Intercept Reporter Ryan Devereaux on ‘The Drone Papers’ & Afghanistan War

A whistleblower within the United States intelligence community provided secret military documents to The Intercept, which reveal key details about worldwide assassination operations, including drone strikes. “The Drone Papers,” published by The Intercept on October 15, showed how the U.S. military has designated unidentified men as “Enemies Killed in Action”

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14 Oct 2015

Appeals Court Opposes Religious Profiling, Reinstates Lawsuit Against NYPD Spying

A federal court reinstated a lawsuit brought by American Muslims claiming the NYPD violated their constitutional rights by profiling and spying on them.

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11 Oct 2015

Podcast: Journalist Anand Gopal on MSF Hospital Attack & Next Phase of Afghanistan War

The Afghanistan war returned to the headlines this past week, reminding Americans it is still ongoing. The U.S. bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital in the Kunduz province. General John Campbell, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, appeared before congressional committee to make statements about the strike and also, with

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09 Oct 2015

‘Classified Speech’: Purdue Destroys Video of Presentation on Snowden Documents

There are numerous examples of American colleges or universities invoking “civility” to stifle free speech, especially speech around the issue of Palestinian human rights. Multiple instances exist where students have demanded particular speech or acts of expression, which make them uncomfortable, be controlled or suppressed. On a lesser scale, there

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04 Oct 2015

Podcast: Dima Khalidi of Palestine Legal on ‘Palestine Exception to Free Speech’

In the United States, there is a campaign by Israeli advocacy organizations—with the support of the Israeli government—to censor, intimidate, harass, and vilify activists engaged in activism for Palestinian human rights. Particularly, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is seen as a threat. The focusing of resources against activists,

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