Shadowproof is proud to be home to the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast and the Beyond Prisons Podcast.

Unauthorized Disclosure: Journalists Rania Khalek & Kevin Gosztola question social and political norms that too often go unchallenged and cover subjects that rarely receive complete attention in the U.S. media.

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Beyond Prisons: Brian Sonenstein and Kim Wilson engage in deep conversation with directly impacted people, activists, scholars, artists, and others on the subjects of policing, incarceration, and the prison abolition and transformative justice movements.

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Latest Shadowproof Podcast Episodes

13 Dec 2015

Podcast: Donald Trump, ISIS, and How ‘Militarized Identity Politics’ Fuels Hatred and War

Multiple supporters of GOP candidate Donald Trump were given airtime in the media to argue in support of his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States. Fortunately, CNN invited someone on to their cable news network to explain how supporters of Trump have been scared into thinking “crazy

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08 Dec 2015

LISTEN: Kris Hermes’ “Crashing The Party” Chat

In “Crashing the Party,” Kris Hermes connects modern anti-protest policing to the historic response to protests at the 2000 Republican National Convention.

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06 Dec 2015

Podcast: France Canceled Climate Protest—But Not Weapons Expo—After Paris Attacks

In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris, numerous American Muslims or U.S. citizens, who have brown skin, live in fear of what might happen if they go out in public. There have been several reported hate crimes. One mosque was vandalized by a ripped up Quran covered in feces.

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25 Nov 2015

Interview, Part 2: MintPress News’ Mnar Muhawesh On Media’s ‘Fast Food Headlines’

Kevin Gosztola’s and MintPress News’ founder, Mnar Muhawesh, discuss how the media ignores real news in favor of distractions and election-year circuses.

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22 Nov 2015

Podcast: After Paris Attacks, Islamophobia About as Awful as After 9/11

In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris, numerous American Muslims or U.S. citizens, who have brown skin, live in fear of what might happen if they go out in public. There have been several reported hate crimes. One mosque was vandalized by a ripped up Quran covered in feces.

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16 Nov 2015

Interview: MintPress News’ Mnar Muhawesh On Paris Attacks & Response Of Western Countries

In the aftermath of the Paris attacks and blasts in Beirut, it seems very likely that Western countries will overreact and play into the hands of the Islamic State. It is also clear there will be little reflection on how Western countries, including France, created a climate that fueled the

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